Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bye Bye 2011, Hello 2012 !

Life has been good. We have a lot of things to be grateful for :)

We have a Happy and Healthy family, kids are mischievous by nature, but generally Daddy and Mummy are enjoying the kiddos' growing up years keke :p

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To send 2011 away, we will highlight our best posts. No awards given ok :0

Best Travel - Taiwan (Friendly culture, amazing food)
Best Food - 联合 Claypot Rice Lianhe (ChinaTown)
Best Social Media - We started integrating Fanpage and Twitter with our Blog. We hope you love our photos.

Best Playground -With our kids, there are no Bad playgrounds :p (sharing Singapore's best Playgrounds)
Best Discovery - Must be Flower Dome in Gardens !

Proudest moment - Daddy say "Kang graduates", Mummy says "Xin toilet trained, and Yi bunking in with his bros"

Best investment - our Nikon DSLR D5000

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

2012 heralds more changes and adventures for us.
- Mummy will upgrade to full time housewife
- Kang will join his Bro in Primary School
- No3 Yi and No4 Xin will be changing school

But Daddy promise you are going to hear more gossips from SengkangBabies in 2012 !
Our kids wish to say something.

So to all our family, friends, fans, acquaintance, we wish you and your family a Great 2012 !
Huat Ah ! Cheerios ! Yum Seng !


Fireworks Sengkang Punggol

When did we even have to make a choice about Fireworks location?
Since a few years back, every neighborhood got it's own countdown activities and Fireworks too !

From our home, and within 10min drive, we can reach three Firework sites in Sengkang and Punggol.
Last year, we blog about how HOT are the neighbourhood Fireworks!

Anchorvale CC (our home town)

More updates at SengkangWest Fanpage.

Punggol East (actually it is at Rumbia LRT, yes Rivervale Crescent, Sengkang :p). Not sure whether Daddy read wrongly, past year Singapore-Idols will be dropping by, and participants stand to win ipads ! Wow.

Click on PunggolEast/Rivervale Fanpage for more updates.

Punggol (Punggol Riverside, Tebing Lane next to Popeye's)

Click on Punggol 21 Fanpage for more updates.

Of course, in case you are looking for the mother-of-all-fireworks, nothing compares with Marina Bay ! Read our earlier update !

Read our Marina Bay updates.
滨海湾, 酷! (literally Marina Bay cool !)

Click for sample Firework shots at Marina Bay 2010.


Porridge 粥 anyone?

Rice is our stable, and our kids love porridge. Especially if it is from our favourite stall in Hougang.
粥品 (the shop name should be Sin Heng Kee last time) is popular in the neighbourhood.

Delicious spring onion garnishing. Looks appetising. Daddy has to queue 20min for his order.

Our favourite concoction is century egg (皮蛋粥) and pork (猪肉粥). We always order extra fritters. Soak your fried fritters in the hot porridge. Chuck the molten fritter into your mouth. Heavenly !!

Too much log cake and Turkey in dec? Why not go for something light?

Head down to 粥品.
HDB Hougang #01-150, 685 Hougang Street 61, (S)530685

More food photos at our fanpage to make you hungry --> SengkangBabies Food.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

If you do not plan to diet, or if you are stocking up for Chinese New Year, SengkangBabies are selling CNY cookies too. click on photo below for catalogue :)


Friday, December 30, 2011

Marina Bay Cool. 滨海湾, 酷!

If you are into photography, Dslr, mirrorless, compact, even smartphones, go down to Marina Bay, Tonight.
No fireworks, but the technicians are testing the Lighting and Lasers, and mood of anticipation is STRONG.

Tomorrow, you might not be able to secure a nice vantage point (read our Firework and best location post), it will be crowded. So you might want to consider going tonight with your family, soak in the atmosphere at the Bay, work your cameras :p

Singapore is definitely ready to Party to welcome 2012 !
Let Daddy tempt you with some photos from yesterday.
Summit your photos to win Nikon 1 !

View from the top of Esplanade

Fantastic reflections off MBS's glass walls. Now, Imagine fireworks bouncing off the walls !

From 9pm onwards, technical rehearsal, sound, lighting, and lasers should start.
You might be lucky enough to spot some nice Rainbow spheres !

Video : Grand spectacle is coming


From left, Williams, Kelvin and Kevin. Lookout for their posts here.

Need more reasons to pop by Marina Bay, visit our Fanpage albums.

Read more posts from our Marina-Bay-2012-countdown series :
- Marina Bay 酷!
- VWO launch spheres
- Fireworks and Photography contest
- I wish for a sphere
- Romantic Marina Bay
- We are featured blogger for Marina Bay countdown 2012

If you are resting near home, your neighbourhood might have countdown activities too. We know Sengkang and Punggol are hot !


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Throwing our Wishing Spheres into Marina Bay

Last Tue, as part of Esplanade's community engagement initiatives, some 160 guests from VWO (Voluntary Welfare Organisations) were invited to witness the launching of wishing spheres into Marina Bay.

As you might know by now, Singapore invites everyone to pen their wishes for the coming year onto wishing spheres.

After our signatures collecting sting at Tampines, our kids were very curious about how their wishing spheres will become neighbours with "Merlion and Durian" at Marina Bay. So our family troop down in support.

( if you are still clueless about wishing spheres, read here :p )

Found William and Calvin among the crowd. Our guests are busy writing their wishes, and our friends are busy snapping away :)

Kids kept asking why Marina Bay's water turns Milo, but Daddy tries his best to focus their attention on the wishing spheres instead keke.

Anyway, our kids got to doodle on the Wishing spheres again, Kang pen down HappY NEw YEar in bold.

After penning their wishes, we consolidate all the spheres again, some lucky guests were invited to fling the spheres into Marina Bay.

One by one, we moved the spheres nearer to the water edge.

1,2,3 aim your balls at the boat.. we thought some of the spheres were purposely aim at the boats !!

Video : 1,2,3 see who can throw furthest !

See those wishing spheres in the background, are you curious to know how they are anchored?
Read Daddy Kelvin's first hand account with the boatman.

Video : VWO Esplanade experience

Do visit and "Like" Marina Bay Fanpage or Marina Bay's 2012 Countdown website for latest updates. Help MarinaBay hit 10,000 fans before 2012 :p

Thanks to Calvin for taking our family shot.

For more photos of wishing spheres, do drop by SengkangBabies Fanpage or you may wish to read from our Marina-Bay-2012-countdown series :
- Marina Bay 酷!
- VWO launch spheres
- Fireworks and Photography contest
- I wish for a sphere
- Romantic Marina Bay
- We are featured blogger for Marina Bay countdown 2012

This is how the Wishing Spheres will be illuminated at Night ! Awesome !

Credit : Purple Wishing sphere image from

We are also featured on MarinaBay's countdown microsite-->


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas party at school

Traditionally, Dec is the month of parties for us. Beside having two boys' whose birthday falls in Dec, everyone is in the mood to celebrate and binge keke :)

Teacher M gave a crash course on the significance of Christmas.

Christmas party will not be complete with icons like Santa Claus and Santarina, and Ruldolph Reindeer ! No prize for guessing who is ho ho h0 Santa :)

Before the party starts, kids waiting in anticipation, and enjoying their own bantering.

Parents turn up in force to support LV and their kids :)

With so much food to go around, nobody should be hungry. You can be faulted for being greedy keke :p

Full of activities at every corner, food and handicraft.

Busy busy teachers, they are happy when kids are smiling :)

Kids are HAPPY ! Who would not be? Plenty of food, gifts, and toys and entertainment!

Our food and cookies taste best when we do it ourselves. Nevermind if the chocolate does not look nice, or if someone forget to wash hand, Parents will love it ! (forced smile)

All thanks to our teachers :)

Kids playing Light Saber in their secret room. Luke SkyWalker would feel at home here.

Teachers and cute kiddos :)

Oh no, someone is so tired and decide to take a nap :)

We end the party with gift exchanges, every kid went home beaming. Thank you LV for organising this party. We had a lot of fun !

Video : Let us sing together !

Come 2012, our kids will be changing to another school, we are sure they are going to miss LV :(

If you need more party photos, hop over to our Santa album :p
