Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas party at school

Traditionally, Dec is the month of parties for us. Beside having two boys' whose birthday falls in Dec, everyone is in the mood to celebrate and binge keke :)

Teacher M gave a crash course on the significance of Christmas.

Christmas party will not be complete with icons like Santa Claus and Santarina, and Ruldolph Reindeer ! No prize for guessing who is ho ho h0 Santa :)

Before the party starts, kids waiting in anticipation, and enjoying their own bantering.

Parents turn up in force to support LV and their kids :)

With so much food to go around, nobody should be hungry. You can be faulted for being greedy keke :p

Full of activities at every corner, food and handicraft.

Busy busy teachers, they are happy when kids are smiling :)

Kids are HAPPY ! Who would not be? Plenty of food, gifts, and toys and entertainment!

Our food and cookies taste best when we do it ourselves. Nevermind if the chocolate does not look nice, or if someone forget to wash hand, Parents will love it ! (forced smile)

All thanks to our teachers :)

Kids playing Light Saber in their secret room. Luke SkyWalker would feel at home here.

Teachers and cute kiddos :)

Oh no, someone is so tired and decide to take a nap :)

We end the party with gift exchanges, every kid went home beaming. Thank you LV for organising this party. We had a lot of fun !

Video : Let us sing together !

Come 2012, our kids will be changing to another school, we are sure they are going to miss LV :(

If you need more party photos, hop over to our Santa album :p



  1. 3rd and 4th also not attending LV anymore?

  2. yes Icy, big change for the kids :)

  3. Hi Andy,

    any photo taking tips on how taking the christmas light up? Looking forward to more photography sharing from you :)

  4. hi Cherie, you referring to Christmas tree or Orchard? Do let me know., or u might be interested in our Fanpage photos (http://www.facebook.com/pages/SengkangBabies/194377613912724)

  5. Hi Andy,

    Thanks! Have liked your fanpage :)

    For the Orchard lightup, the ion photo.. Do i use the same techniques as shooting the night city skyline that was previously shared by you?

  6. thanks Cherie :)
    You can use same method, but instead of shuttle=30s, use 10s or less (otherwise too bright).
    If not confident, always back up your shot with a "P" mode. (auto iso,A and S)
