Sunday, July 31, 2011

SwimSafer, our water babies

In June, Wei and Kang pass their SwimSafer Stage 3 and 1 respectively.

Kang should be proud of himself, he was never fond of water, but has taken to water like a fish.

Wei is splashing new milestones for himself every week. Daddy and Mummy are proud of them.

When they are not training, our kids are water babies :)

Oh, and these two small ones are asking when they can go for professional swimming :p

Teacher Kian Hoe is our teacher, and he is contactable at Fanpage below.

National day - Istana and Museums open house

One more week, and Singapore celebrates her 46th independence.
Istana will be open to public on 07Aug (not 09Aug), and this is President Nathan's last tour of duty :)

Selected Museums will be having free entries on 09Aug, happy visiting :)

In addition, the following seven museums are free in Aug2011!

  • Asian Civilisations Museum
    1 Empress Place
  • Memories at Old Ford Factory
    351 Upper Bukit Timah Road
  • National Museum of Singapore
    93 Stamford Road
  • Peranakan Museum
    39 Armenian Street
  • Reflections at Bukit Chandu
    31-K Pepys Road
  • Singapore Art Museum
    71 Bras Basah Road

    Sam at 8Q
    8 Queen Street
  • Singapore Philatelic Museum
    23-B Coleman Street

Want to know which Museums are fun?
Click --> Our Places Of Interest Tab

Friday, July 29, 2011

Canon PhotoMarathon

Held once a year, Canon PhotoMarathon is here again. Daddy was so blur when a friend
recommend "Canon PhotoMarathon". He thought it was those 42km thingy ! (Well, Daddy fitness has never been tip-top, so 10Km would be stretching it !).. Anyway, thanks Hisham for the heads up :)

Back to our topic, they call it a Marathon because you have Three missions from 0700 to 1930,
that is Twelve hours !! Will the battery or memory run dry before your creative juice?

10Sep2011, with a fee of $10, Daddy will be there to challenge himself.
It would be fun to join one whole bunch of shutterbugs to run all over Singapore Snap Snap !

Although this is Canon PhotoMarathon, but T&C mention all Makes are welcomed :p
, and the winner can fly to Tasmania for photo-lesson !!

More information and registration here -->

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

On the subject of photography events, Daddy found another website (Justin Ng Photography)
with regular competitions and events.

Daddy submitted below flying fox photo with caption "Daddy Faster !" .
Through the panning shot, Mummy clearly capture Kang's smiling face, and cheeky Wei
trying to pull Kang's pants ! Overall, the photo shouts "FUN" !

ISO 200, Shutter Mode 1/50, WB :Cloudy

If you think this photo looks interesting, and can do better, and if you are free,
do drop by and "Like" it here at Justin Ng Photography. It is album 13 photo 61.
**do take note that you will need to "Like" Justin Ng Photography fanpage first.

You may also want to drop by SengkangBabies Fanpage for more West Coast pictures.
This is a very interesting Park, and our blog review should be up soon.

**updated 2011Sep11 - read our PhotoMarathon expericnce - One Fun Canon event !

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Marina Bay Sands Wonder Full Laser show

We have heard rave reviews about Marina Bay Sands' (MBS) Wonderful water and laser show.
We stayed after NDP fireworks preview to catch the laser spectacular.

Very soon, water sprays form a curtain, and Lasers would form a baby image and other icons.
We love the effects. Daddy took most of the shots in "P" mode.

Water fountains, illuminated with so many different colours , sway left and right.
Mesmerizing !!

Lasers Green and Blue dance on the water screens.

Flames was a surprise! and we can feel the heat !

Lasers pierce through the dark sky.

Bubbles ! This was a bit hit with the kids. Daddy's camera capture the bubbles as light streaks.

A slightly longer exposure, and we got a purple curtain, peep-a-boo Esplanade in the background. Nice !

We have issue with lighting, and it was not easy to capture a clear shot for all (no flash).
We enjoy ourselves, and the laser show tonight.

Singaporeans can be proud of Marina Bay.

Take a walk down Marina Bay, and catch MBS's Wonderful show at the following timing :

Sunday to Thursday:
8pm, and 9.30pm
Friday and Saturday:
8pm, 9.30pm and 11pm

For more updates , MBS link

View more Firework and Wonderful photos at our Fanpage album -->

Our Fireworks outing-->


Primary One Registration Phases - Boon Kang

Every year around Jun and Jul, you will see a lot of anxious parents. Their kids are going to Primary school, and selecting their choice-school is a big deal to a lot of parents. Well, some believe the first step in society starts in Primary school, so only the "best" Primary school will do :)

Wow, our Primary One kiddos are only seven years old, do we really need to pressure-cooker them at such tender age? (Daddy would be lying when he say he is not anxious haha, but we are not paranoid :p )

*** Click to read our anxiety when Wen Wei was enrolling for Primary one.

For our No2 boy, he got into his Brother's Primary school in Phase 1.
Daddy and Mummy are so glad we do not have to go competing for "places" again..phew.

This week is Phase 2C, when Parents go balloting for their kids. Parents have to gather in a hall, while other parents randomly pick up the "lucky" few to be allocated a placing.

*** Our Wen Wei was lucky 71 out of 73 slots !

Above pic shows Kang at two months old giggling. Is he really going to Primary 1 in 5 months?
We hope he will quickly adapt to school life, make new friends and learn new things in school :)

More information about MOE school enrollment phase at this link -->


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New milestone for SengkangBabies

Slowly but surely, SengkangBabies is getting more hits. Sometime today,
our blog will cross the 100,000 visitors milestone.

When you are blogging regularly, your blog seems to outgrow you. Let's say SengkangBabies average about 20 articles per month, that would be 240 memories jotted down for one year!

When we pen down our thoughts and our kids' milestones, and we we look back a few years later,
we realised time flies (literally).

We aim to showcase more fun places for young families. If you like our Places of Interest,
or even Holiday Destinations, do share them with your friends :)

Recent update to our blog would be our Fanpage. Like us to get the latest gossips and pictures :)
Daddy loves our new blog layout, which allows for bigger photos. We will try to share more photography tips along the way. (you can click on pictures above to go to our FanPage albums)

Stay tune for more cute picture and stories of our babies, this is Daddy's commitment.
Blogging is only going to be more fun from here on :)


North East CDC fanpage

Daddy first heard of NECDC (North East Community Development Council) fanpage from a friend. From your neighbourhood CDCs, we can find out the latest events or gatherings. It can be a simple walk, a farm visit or even Harry-Potter movie screening! The key word is family-participation.

~~~ ~~~ ~~
Quoting from Mr Yong (Senior Manager from NECDC)

NECDC is a community-based organization to promote and build a healthy community bonding at all possible levels.

Family bonding
is definitely an important area that the NECDC would like to actively promote. A strong bonded family will not only support and benefit family members but also setting a good basic foundation towards a healthy community.

Another factor is that family members can be pretty busy over many activities day-in, day-out. We hope the activity would send a positive message to remind all
to set aside time for the family such as eating together as a family regularly over a simple and fun online activity.
~~~ ~~~ ~~

Besides social activities, and self-help groups, we can also become volunteers. This is another way we can contribute back to society.

Every now and than NECDC will have some lucky draws (SweepStakes), you just need to "Like" NECDC and enter the SweepStake. We got lucky previously and won a $100 HungryGoWhere food voucher and two movie tickets. We made use of the food voucher to order a sumptuous dinner for Kang's birthday :)

For more updates, "Like" NECDC today, or you can go to
If you are interested, SengkangBabies is under CentralCDC

There are 5ive CDCS in Singapore, and each is headed by a mayor. The other three CDCs are :


Monday, July 25, 2011

OMY Singapore Blog Awards rocks !

So it came and it went, 10 winners, Congrats to all :)
Last Sat, OMY Singapore Blog Award 2011 results was announced at Shanghai Dolly.

Did you know that 2011 is the first time a "Parenting" category was introduced?
We all know who won it, congrats Daphne ! Daddy's friend Aussie Pete is 2-time winner for WTH category! (Someone in Africa, Bing, won the Lifestyle award)

Some of the parent bloggers at the event
(clockwise Klessis and Isaiah, San, Daphne and Kelvin, Leonny and Wilson).

The best thing at the party was to link up with fellow bloggers. New one, old one, virtual one.
A Hi and a Hello friends :) Some of us have been gossiping for so long that we hit it off immediately.

Two other Mummy bloggers in pic below, Yvonne (3rd from left) and Maryann (behind Leonny).

Let Daddy tell you how cool these Daddies are! We are the rare male Parent bloggers in Singapore haha.
( L-->R Edmund, Kelvin, Andy and Isaiah)

Daddy's oldest friend haha, and Mint's costume happens to be the best dressed Ah-Ma ! WooHooHoo.
Liang Po Po is Singapore's most famous grandma.

Most bloggers are friendly, just introduce yourself :)
Some young friends, Daddy is always curious about how they are using social media in their everyday life. Very soon, our own kids will be living "IT" and breathing "Social Media".
(Clockwise XiaoXin, HongPeng aka HP, Valerie), and Terence in picture below.

The VIP for the event is MG Chan Chun Sing, but nobody chanted "kee-qiu raise-hand" keke.

It is not everyday when you have all the coolest people come together for a common cause.
When Omy's bloggers party, it Rocks the whole town!
Cheers to friends :)

The winners for 2011..

The full list of winners are here -->
For more pictures, please go to SengkangBabies fanpage.

Click for 2010 Omy BlogAward


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Racial Harmony Day in Singapore

Every 21st July, Singapore celebrates Racial Harmony day. As you might be aware, Singapore's population is make up of mainly Chinese, Malay, Indians and Eurasians.

With different religions and languages, to live together requires everybody to understand and embrace each other's beliefs. Daddy had to remind the kids that it was not so long ago (60s and early 70s) that Racial Riots were still happening in Singapore.

Today, our kids grow up in cosmopolitan Singapore, where everyone can come in and assimilate.
Daddy gently remind kiddos to treasure their bonds with all their friends, friendship should not be bound by any religious/language/colour boundaries.

Kang's Indian costume, and Yi's pink Baju are hand me down from older siblings. And Wen Xin's Indian Sari is from a Indian colleague :)

Which ethnic costume do you prefer?

Click to read about our 2009 Racial Harmony School backdrop.

Refer to our fanpage for more pictures -->


Friday, July 22, 2011

Little Newton, engaging kids through Science

Kids are curious by nature, and Little Newton engages kids through Science, Explorations and hands-on activities. Their interactive learning style will encourage kids to think about "process", and ask more "Why's".

When we talk about Shampoo, what comes to mind? ..brands (D0ve, H&S), fragrance, anti-dandruff whatever.. And, we are going to diy our own Shampoo today keke. Cool !

Daddy was very curious how Shampoo-making can keep kids engaged ??
Our ingredients and process...

With Teacher Hilwa and Jeann's guidance,
we are on our way to explore and research our own shampoo theory !

The experiment is simple, but kids are encouraged to figure out the process, what works,
and what not, and ask more Questions.

Our boys were given clues on the process until everybody got their own Channel No 5 diy shampoo.
Daddy ensure the boys do not overdose on the ammonium chloride,
Daddy does not want to suffer hair-loss yet !

Hey, we can even add our own colouring and fragrance!

Kids pour the shampoo from beaker into a little container,
so Mummy can test for us at home ..... yup, we are so good to Mummy :p

Wen Wei and Wen Yi are very proud of their diy shampoo ! Kids have a sense of achievement when they get some results, and learn something along the way.

During our break, Daddy ask boys who is Isaac Newton, and why is he famous? (answer at end of blog)

Little Newton offers a cosy environment, where kids can enjoy themselves during recess.
Our boys turn the little farm upside down ooops.

Different kids learn differently, if you believe Science will motivate and intrigue your kids,
give Little Newton a ring at 6733 6818. You can reach them via :

- website -
- fanpage -

We would like to take this opportunity to thanks Little Newton and friendly teachers for inviting us to their shampoo class. Daddy and sons really enjoy ourselves. (Little Newton offer "Tornardo" classes and Science parties too)

(Answer : apple drop on his head and Isaac Newton discover gravity)

More pictures can be found at our Fanpage -->
