Saturday, July 23, 2011

Racial Harmony Day in Singapore

Every 21st July, Singapore celebrates Racial Harmony day. As you might be aware, Singapore's population is make up of mainly Chinese, Malay, Indians and Eurasians.

With different religions and languages, to live together requires everybody to understand and embrace each other's beliefs. Daddy had to remind the kids that it was not so long ago (60s and early 70s) that Racial Riots were still happening in Singapore.

Today, our kids grow up in cosmopolitan Singapore, where everyone can come in and assimilate.
Daddy gently remind kiddos to treasure their bonds with all their friends, friendship should not be bound by any religious/language/colour boundaries.

Kang's Indian costume, and Yi's pink Baju are hand me down from older siblings. And Wen Xin's Indian Sari is from a Indian colleague :)

Which ethnic costume do you prefer?

Click to read about our 2009 Racial Harmony School backdrop.

Refer to our fanpage for more pictures -->



  1. nice one! race should have never been part of all of us.. that's my opinion.. :P

  2. yo Papabear, unfortunately "race and religion discrimination" in whatever forms will be a part of our life. We just have to educate the kids :)
