Monday, July 25, 2011

OMY Singapore Blog Awards rocks !

So it came and it went, 10 winners, Congrats to all :)
Last Sat, OMY Singapore Blog Award 2011 results was announced at Shanghai Dolly.

Did you know that 2011 is the first time a "Parenting" category was introduced?
We all know who won it, congrats Daphne ! Daddy's friend Aussie Pete is 2-time winner for WTH category! (Someone in Africa, Bing, won the Lifestyle award)

Some of the parent bloggers at the event
(clockwise Klessis and Isaiah, San, Daphne and Kelvin, Leonny and Wilson).

The best thing at the party was to link up with fellow bloggers. New one, old one, virtual one.
A Hi and a Hello friends :) Some of us have been gossiping for so long that we hit it off immediately.

Two other Mummy bloggers in pic below, Yvonne (3rd from left) and Maryann (behind Leonny).

Let Daddy tell you how cool these Daddies are! We are the rare male Parent bloggers in Singapore haha.
( L-->R Edmund, Kelvin, Andy and Isaiah)

Daddy's oldest friend haha, and Mint's costume happens to be the best dressed Ah-Ma ! WooHooHoo.
Liang Po Po is Singapore's most famous grandma.

Most bloggers are friendly, just introduce yourself :)
Some young friends, Daddy is always curious about how they are using social media in their everyday life. Very soon, our own kids will be living "IT" and breathing "Social Media".
(Clockwise XiaoXin, HongPeng aka HP, Valerie), and Terence in picture below.

The VIP for the event is MG Chan Chun Sing, but nobody chanted "kee-qiu raise-hand" keke.

It is not everyday when you have all the coolest people come together for a common cause.
When Omy's bloggers party, it Rocks the whole town!
Cheers to friends :)

The winners for 2011..

The full list of winners are here -->
For more pictures, please go to SengkangBabies fanpage.

Click for 2010 Omy BlogAward


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