Monday, May 31, 2010

What does YOG means for you? Let's Play !

Compasspoint has setup a sports corner, to promote
YOG (Youth Olympic Games) awareness.

YOG is inviting you to "Come play with us".

Everybody is invited to try their hands on some sports.
The kids are just happy to monkey around :p
You have soccer, fencing, basketball, netball, boxing etc etc..

As long as you are game, anything goes.
Yi and Xin are too small too participate, thus they can only be spectators.

Wen Xin, Shopping is not a Sports, OK !

Dare to dream, challenge the world, dare to win..
Hey, even red-dot Singapore can win China in Table Tennis, what can we not achieve?
Congrats to team Singapore !!

Video : Kid challenged Asafa Powell to a sprint

74 days to go, YOG, what does it mean to you and family?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

NFC celebration at Sentosa Palawan beach- and 4D Magix

Quick the balloons are falling, someone help Mummy!!

Earlier, our NFC Pledge has won us seven tickets to Sentosa's 4D Magix.
So we head to Sentosa's Palawan beach last Saturday afternoon, with our cousins.

We thought everybody would be at Universal Studios (since long weekend USS tickets were sold out). Instead, we were left wondering whether every family (and tourists) had responded to NFC's mobilisation @ Palawan :p

Please read the instruction before you enter 4D realm.
Our tickets is for Pirates !

We all know 3D needs a pair of special lens, which allows the cinematic object to jump out of the screen before you. This 4D technology adds the sensual touch.
(ie your chair will rock, you can experience water mist, and wind)

Now, throw in DTS6.1 surround system.
It is too cool !!!

Video : Introduction before we pop into theather.

**Spoiler alert, skip this video if you have not been to 4D Pirates before **
Video : you get Spiders, Bees, bats, and all sorts of crabs

If image is blur, please wear your 3D specs keke

We thought Kang looks cool in his "sunglass".
But halfway through, he got spook by the Bees and Bats :p

After our movie, we head back to Palawan beach.
NFC has line up Fun activities with families in mind.

Look at Mummy, her biceps beef up after she toiled to bring Wen Xin's stroller across the sand dunes. Our princess was effortlessly soaking in the sight and sounds :p

Who cares when Mummy and Daddy are sweating?

By the time we arrive around 4pm, Palawan was relatively empty.
Our hosts were all tanned, but they still gave us good service and big SMiles :)

Video : Carnival, we notice NFC ambassadors were all tanned, and sweating

Wonder how many kiddos got their Happy Balloons from our uncle Clown?
We see reverse bungee in the background too, but nobody was game.

Bouncing Castle again. This seems to be standard fare, around any funfares.
Wei and Kang dash through the obstacles.

Video : Ninja warrior

Sorry Yi, you have to grow taller a bit, before you can attempt these vigorous sports :)
So, Yi end up disturbing a doggie..

or kicking sand into Mummy and Daddy's sandals. Cheeky boy.

We spent almost 2 hour on the beach.
Before we head back to Vivo for Dinner.

Video : we need to survive Train squeeze first :p

Thank you NFC and Nuffnang, for this fun fill Saturday.
Our families did have fun, roaming around.
Weather was warm, but smiles are aplenty :)

** special dedication to all NFC related crew for making this event meaningful!

Friday, May 28, 2010

If you like nature, subscribe to nParks

In case you need some ideas for coming Jun school holidays,
why not subscribe to nParks?

You might get tips or hands-on fun :

- maybe trekking around Maritchie
- learning about Cactus at Hort Park?
- blading activities at Bishan
- kites at West Coast
- eco system at Chek Jawa
- Jacob Ballas, Sungei Buloh
- the list is endless

Kids will have one more excuse to play under the Sun :)

Click to Visit nParks

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Changi Airport - really HUGH Slide @ T3 !!

We can see slides and see-saws in playground, but in an Airport?
Yes, Changi Airport has added two slides in Terminal 3 (T3) recently !

Now, why would Changi built a FOUR-storey slide ? Read on.

Today, only Wen Wei accompany Daddy to T3.
Terry from Changi's communication team has invited us to trial their new slides.

There are two slides :
- Big one at L1 (four stories)
- only available when you purchase $10 items (two rides, and height > 130cm)

- Small one at B2 - everybody can go.
- Unlimited rides, but must be > 110cm
- be prepared for queues

* Daddy read somewhere height limit is 2m.
* Even before we start, we can anticipate the Fun from these slides.

Ok, Wei pass all requirements, Fun-time.
Like the other school kids, Wei also help himself to one, two, three and more slides :)

Video : Bigger slide

Look at all the curious kiddos.
Did you notice the slides can change colour?

In Singapore, there are always rules and regulations :)
Changi group wants you to be safe keke.

Video : smaller Slide

You will not miss Slide @ T3, posters are all over Changi Airport Terminal 3.
Just go to Level 1 Arrival hall.
**Hint - the Slides are 4 storeys tall !!

However, we always take around 15s to reach ground floor.
It would be challenging to queue 20min (on a busy weekend), only to last 15s :p

Video: Wei never stop smiling

We had enough sliding for one day,
and proceeded to "Changi Aviation Gallery" (CAG) over at T2.

Video : paper aeroplanes, these are not !

There are nearly 600 paper planes hanging from ceiling.
(Don't believe, Count :p )
These are the number of planes Changi Airport is handling every day !!

Now, we know Jakarta is 2 hours away, Mumbai is 4hours away etc.
We can learn to fold all sorts of paper planes too.

Video : Where is Japan?

We saw a firefighter corner.
Do you know where are the fire stations in Changi Airport ?
** there are three land-based stations, and one sea base facility. Wow!

Picture above : Wei has to decide his own career path.
Daddy would prefer him to choose SIA, instead of KingFisher (what?)

Daddy is glad that Wei accompany him today.
This means Daddy can share more knowledge with Wei.
When Wei younger siblings are around, Daddy will have problem dedicating equal resources.

Video : Slide construction - cool!

Reference from -->

Daddy : Changi airport is constantly adding interesting projects in all three Terminals.
Click to read Sengkangbabies having fun with Kiddes-rides at T3 too.

We will definitely come back to T3 for more fun and entertainment.
Changi is trying to market itself as a one-stop entertainment for Dining, Fun and Learning.

Airpot's BIG open space allow kiddos to run freely, and view aeroplanes go up/down too. This Airport has certainly captivated our family.
For latest updates, you can subscribe to FansOfChangi Facebook club.

We would like to take this opportunity to thanks Terry (and Changi Airport group) for his invitation, who took time off his busy schedule, to bring us around :)

**updated 23Dec2010 - we are featured in Changi's newsletter

**updated 19Jun2011 - T3 Slide is free for every $10 spent (used to be $30)

Happy Birthday Xin, a small muffin cake for you

Whenever Xin hears Happy Birthday songs, she will clap her hand.
Maybe she knows there will be goodies and cakes to share :)

Video : Happy Wen Xin, always clapping hands

** did you miss Xin's cow birthday cake??

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Learning Vision (LV) celebrates 21st Anniversary

Learning Vision is 21 years old.
Wow, not really pre-school yeah?

Anywhere, we got tickets to LV's birthday bash at Pasir Ris.
Tents of food, funfare, and even bouncing castles await us.

But why no choir to sing "Rain rain go away"?
It was a wet Saturday morning, with the rain on and off every 30 min :p

Nevermind, rain or shine, we can hide under the tent.
Watch magic show, and skipping/hoola competitions

Kids got nuggets and fishball to chomp on,
and ballon sculptures to make everybody smile

When the Sun came up, bouncing castles were inflated again.
Scores of children rush their mummies/daddies to the Playground.

Video : Bouncing up and down

See the mud? But nobody were complaining.
Thanks to the pop corns and candy floss.

Video : Oh No, someone got entangled.. Help!!

Picture below : Wen Yi practising with his 屠龍刀 and 倚天劍.
Please do not mess with him (click to read novel Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber)

Let us explore the funfare. Despite the gloomy sky,
we see children at every corner beaming cheek to cheek.

Video: Indoor entertainment

Rain or shine, these two cuties are always so sweet, and mischievious.
Daddy and Mummy wonder where they learn pat-backside game?

Ok, let us get ready to pack up. The rain is approaching again !!

We only saw Cecil's teachers.
Where are the other teachers from old Apollo?

Got a Malware warning @#%^%

Luckily, not from our Sengkangbabies blog.
The malware originated from another blog, from which we have back-link.

Anyway, just to be safe, quickly backup my template and Blog again.

Suddenly, it dawn on me, I am addicted to blogging already :p
..what will happen if my blog is suddenly terminated !!

What is your response? and fallback plan :p

NFC (Nuffnang) pledge #2 - stand to win USS tickets!

Our earlier pledge#1 won us 7 tickets to Sentosa's 4D/CineBlast.
Not sure what this 4D thingy is, but am sure the kids will be intrigued too.

Now, due to overwhelming response, Nuffang and NFC is promoting pledge#2.
Winners will get Universal Studios Tickets.. Wow!!

So Daddy mobilise his two bigger boys to Pledge.
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Children's pledge

We want Daddy to pat us to sleep!!

As we grow bigger, we are now sleeping in our own room :(
Daddy will say goodnight after nudging us to bed, then he will "do his own things".

We miss the nights when Daddy would bunk in with us, and pat us to sleep.
Sometimes, Daddy will chit chat with us, joke with us, until all of us enter Sleep zone.

Starting next week, we will remind Daddy to pat us to sleep every Friday evenings.
The only problem --> what happens if Daddy sleeps before us ?

lovingly yours,
Wen Wei & Wen Kang

ps.. will this sleepy pledge win us USS tickets :p

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Organised by the National Family Council, National Family Celebrations is an annual event which celebrates and reinforces the importance of families and family life. This year, Singaporeans are encouraged to make a personal commitment to their families by being a part of the Singapore Family Pledge Movement.

To provide opportunities for Singaporeans to follow through on the pledges to their families, there are a myriad of activities under the NFC 2010 calendar – which will interest the young, the old, and everyone in between! NFC 2010 will be held from 25 May to 26 June 2010, and this year marks the 25th Anniversary of the Celebrations. For more information on NFC 2010, visit

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For more information, click --> Nuffnang

Monday, May 24, 2010

Wen Xin 1st Year Birthday celebration

Last Sun, we celebrated her birthday at 舅舅's place.
Our little girl is One year old already.

We bought Xin a moo moo cake from Yiling.
Everybody were impressed with this cake, and it taste nice too.

We invited all our little friends to join in our celebration.
Children were running everywhere.. chasing after balloons, skipping rope.

Video : Ballons for every kid

Look at Wen Yi, his hand is always hanging on to one ballon.
Our function room was bursting with the kids' energies and laughters.

Our birthday girl, she looks adorable and dainty in her sweet white outfit.
Today, you are the * Star

The children entertain themselves... small ones follow their elder siblings.

Our cow cake. Impressive 3D, and the kids were trying to dig chocolate Spots!!
Quick, cut the cake before it gets torn down :p

Video : Happy Birthday to Wen Xin

Yummy, Wen Wei kept the little barbie-doll for momento.

Video : After the cake, ballon fights star again

Families, pose.

Wen Xin's growing up months.. witness how our little princess has blossom.

Good Bye, Dr Goh Keng Swee

One of Singapore's architect, Dr Goh Keng Swee has passed on.
Immersed in his life stories over the last week, we are truely humbled.

Daddy did not know that Dr Goh was involved with Singapore's Arts, nor Birdpark, Zoo, Sentosa or even SSO.

The older boys got some information about Dr Goh from their schools.
But they only know Dr Goh is someone important.
Daddy just tell the kids to remember Grandpa Goh, as Singapore's benefactor.

Thank you Dr Goh, our children can Aspire and Dream,
because your Generation has laid the foundation for a stable Singapore.

Video : Tribute part 1/6

Saturday, May 22, 2010

We went to Navy Open House - where is our Sub?

Last Saturday, we visited Singapore Navy's open house in the afternoon.
We had hoped to touch some submarines, and maybe see some actions.

We took the shuttle bus from Expo to Changi Naval Base.
The sky threatens to pour, with gloomy clouds over the horizon.

Luckily, it was not so hot. And we get some sea breeze occasionally.

This is the layout for Changi Naval Base. Even an Aircraft carrier can park here.
But today, this is our playground :0

Video : Festive mood

Kang is impressed, and is asking about recruitment exercise for Divers !

The Naval Sea Display runs twice daily.
We heard Sat morning's crowd got to see a Challenger class sub.
In the afternoon, Sub was moored..zzz

Navy's Formidable class Frigates are clearly a hit with visitors.
Their hulls are shaped differently to absorb radar signals.
Daddy say these Frigates look like small sampans on enemy's radar !

Our Frigate only need only 70 men/women to keep it battle ready.
(that is the seating capacity of our SBS buses)

Thank you, we are not driving today !

Besides the raw machines, visitors are also treated to lion dance performance.
Navy Open House relly feels like a big fun Carnival..

We learn how divers undergo their training, to become Elites.

At 1530, gun fire rattles the sea front.
Crowds has already packed the piers to jostle for best view.
Terrorist caught some hostages, and Singapore needs our valiant divers to save the day.

Video : SOF in action, but Yi was sleeping throughout

Video : counter attacks, more fire fights

Video : Salute, splash!

More exhibits.. we do not mind the aircon tents :p

Finally, we found our Archer submarine (although it is only a model)
We touch some torpedoes, and Harpoon missiles.

We saw some future concept vessels.
After 3 hours, we are starting to sweat again.

Duck tours.. unfortunately we could not take any cruise, as someone is below 90cm !
If Daddy has only come with Wei and Kang, maybe we would take some cruises :p

Photo times, we can act like Navy personnel, even thought we did not board any ship.

This is our favourite ship, Endurance Class LST (Landing Ship Tank)
Daddy tells us some Pumas (?) can land on the ship backside,
and the door behind can hide motor boats. Cool !!

Second hand strollers anybody?

Fun fares, for everybody. Why no tattoos?
It would be cool to paste an Archer submarine, or Harpoon missile on our cheeks :p

Daddy : Althought the bus queues were long, we did not have to wait long. We would have love to board some ships. but average waiting time is 30 to 45min,
and Mr Boon Yi is below 90cm :p

Does everyone on the cruises really need to wear life jackets?
Daddy thought we can afford to be more gung-ho, and daring.

**Click for more photos from 111,000 visitors to NOH 2010 !!

** If you are interested in defence stuffs, visit our 2009ArmyOpenHouse Blog.
