Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Learning Vision (LV) celebrates 21st Anniversary

Learning Vision is 21 years old.
Wow, not really pre-school yeah?

Anywhere, we got tickets to LV's birthday bash at Pasir Ris.
Tents of food, funfare, and even bouncing castles await us.

But why no choir to sing "Rain rain go away"?
It was a wet Saturday morning, with the rain on and off every 30 min :p

Nevermind, rain or shine, we can hide under the tent.
Watch magic show, and skipping/hoola competitions

Kids got nuggets and fishball to chomp on,
and ballon sculptures to make everybody smile

When the Sun came up, bouncing castles were inflated again.
Scores of children rush their mummies/daddies to the Playground.

Video : Bouncing up and down

See the mud? But nobody were complaining.
Thanks to the pop corns and candy floss.

Video : Oh No, someone got entangled.. Help!!

Picture below : Wen Yi practising with his 屠龍刀 and 倚天劍.
Please do not mess with him (click to read novel Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber)

Let us explore the funfare. Despite the gloomy sky,
we see children at every corner beaming cheek to cheek.

Video: Indoor entertainment

Rain or shine, these two cuties are always so sweet, and mischievious.
Daddy and Mummy wonder where they learn pat-backside game?

Ok, let us get ready to pack up. The rain is approaching again !!

We only saw Cecil's teachers.
Where are the other teachers from old Apollo?

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