Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sengkangbabies are in Changi Airport's Connection newsletter

Maybe we have been loitering too frequently at Changi Airport?
Someone (from CAG) spotted us, and decided to interview us for a social-media feature in Changi Connection (Changi's newsletter).

When we talk about Changi, we naturally remember Changi's international Icons.
Oh, for the record, Daddy never ogle at the figure-hugging sarong kebayas ok :p

Our family considers Changi Airport a lifestyle hub, for food and entertainment.
You can shop at the boutiques too.
Well, someone from CnnGO did spend 24 hours exploring Changi Airport !
Read his story-->

Daddy has no intention to become another "Tom_Hanks_Terminal_Part II", but our kids can introduce some amazing activities too !

2008 - We were running up and down Changi even before T3 opens.

We love everything about aeroplanes (Changi Coastal)

2010 - Fancy sliding down the world's Largest Airport Slide at T3?

We will miss this carpark rally :p (so cute)

Wow ! there so many activities ! Hop onto Changi Airport's fanpage
for latest happenings.

Maybe we can recommend some non-conventional activities ?

- role play in airport for kids (who want to be pilot, stewardess, security, immigration, firefighter etc )
- visiting the fire-station at Changi, and maybe spray some foam?
- staying near the runway, waiting for the after-burners blast as the jetliners take off

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Eugene and editorial team, for featuring our blog Sengkangbabies. You can bet we will be back exploring our favourite airport Changi, again.


  1. Wow! Your kids must be excited to see their pic on the newsletter.

    Haha! Looks like my family has company. We are such frequent visitors of Changi Airport (whether dining, strolling, shopping and even having play times there)and it becomes a natural hangout for us when it rains...hahaha.

    By the way, here's wishing you and family a MERRY CHRISTMAS and happy holidays:)

  2. now your whole family has become famous :)

  3. yes Danesa, a lot of parents are finding airport more "happening", and "family friendly". Three Terminals to explore, the SkyTrain is fun too !

    Season's greeting to you and family too :)

  4. yo Papa, still building our portfolio haha :p
    Thank u for constantly supporting our babies :)
