Thursday, December 31, 2009

Auld Lang Syne, bye bye 2009

2009 is coming to a close...
....quick review for 2009 and 2010

Best thing which happened to us in 2009..

Wen Xin 雯锌, our cutie is already 7 months old!!
Revisit her birth ,
Day 1, and Day 2.

Come 2010,
- we wish for health and happiness.
- Wei will be attending Primary School, a new milestone.
- Daddy will continue blogging to bring latest gossip to friends.

Fireworks evening on 31Dec?
We were also thinking of a fire-works evening, maybe Marina Barrage, Vivo?
but we got too many constraints :p

- no need to stay out late, as kids will be tired. (but fireworks only at 12mn)
- lesser crowd (is there still a secluded corner in Singapore?)
- prepare to face jams, both human and machine :p
- maybe we should just cope up at home, and countdown from our hall haha

Happy New Year to all!! May all your new resolutions come True in 2010.

We leave you with Muppet's AuldLangSyne rendition.

Muppets AuldLangSyne link taken from here .

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