Tuesday, July 19, 2011

NDP fireworks at Marina Bay

NDP (National Day) is coming again, and once again we did not get any tickets :p
Never mind, we can still enjoy fireworks at Marina Bay, every Sat till 09Aug itself.

The sky turning dark...

At around 8pm, the sky light out with Fireworks and roaring explosions !

Daddy is very happy with the results, compared to our virgin firework shots last year at Anchorvale CC.

We were based at Clifford Pier, and if you are around Esplanade stretch, you will be able to see Fireworks' reflections off MBS.

Love this clean and simple firework! But Daddy's favorite is still the first one, with a colourful burst of colours.

If Daddy can do it, you should be able to do it too.
Click for more pictures of Firework and Wonderfull at our Fanpage.

- Iso - 100 or 200
- Shutter - Bulb (keep shutter open for each firework series from start till end, around 5s)
- Aperture - F11 to F14
- set lens wider to capture landscape or background too
- Manual focus (instead of Auto)
- Tripod and Remote is a must

More firework tips and links can be found here --> http://sengkangbabies.blogspot.com/2010/12/tips-for-taking-fireworks-compiled-from.html . Try to arrive early or take MRT, we were caught in a 40min Jam, and nearly miss the fireworks !

We end this Firework article with NDP's theme song : In a heartbeat

After the fireworks, we stayed later to watch a spectacular LAser show, MBS's Wonder Full



  1. The fireworks looks spectucular! Too bad we missed then as we were late. Only caught glimpses of it from our car. We'll be back for more!

    I love the first shot of all the brilliant colors and the ones with all shades of pink!

  2. Go Go Go Susan :)
    Hope to bump into U and some other friends Omy Sat too :)

  3. lovely pics of the firework! no more chat box eh?

  4. papa - chat box too much spam haha
    HP - thanks man :)

  5. Great pictures! That would be a sure way to leave an impression on the young ones. May I know what time do you reckon that we should arrive to be safe? Where does the traffic jam start? I was thinking of parking near Festival Market and walk over to MBS, can I avoid the jam? Thanks!

  6. hi, firework starts around 8pm, would suggest your family settle down by 1945. If you are taking firework photos, please settle down 30min before. You will need to walk 10min from Festival to reach nearest spot to view fireworks.

    For road closures, please visit NDPeep fanpage for latest updates. We were caught in a jam, as we miss a U-turn. Jam is very bad and I suspect they start from 6pm + onwards ! Good luck

  7. Hello, i wonder is it fireworks always every friday and saturday night?at 8.00 pm?thanks

  8. hi,only Sat, from 7 pm onwards. But if you go early, can view the Navy and CoastGuard, and Airfoce, redLions performance.
