Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Marina Bay night shots

Daddy took leave one Sat evening, and went for some night shots along Marina Bay.

You do not need a DSLR to get some nice shots, but it would be nice to have "manual mode" in your camera.

Settings :
- Aperture = F13
- Shutter = 20 or 30s (depending on brightness)
- iso 100 or 200

Recommendation :
- Tripod (or find a flat ground)
- Remote trigger (else set timer)
- when camera on tripod, disable image-stabilisation, Nikon call it VR
- set focus to Manual, and infinity

Daddy had a lot of problem with the merlion, keep over-exposing! End up we had to set camera to -ve 5 for exposure compensation.

For more pictures, head to our Fanpage album --> http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.249938941689924.80733.194377613912724

Do drop by our other night shots too :)
- Marina Bay @night
- ClarkeQuay @night
- Museum @night


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