Saturday, July 3, 2010

NDP 2010 Rehearsal with Mobile Column @ Padang

Today, Daddy bought Wen Wei to Nicoll Highway.
National Day Parade (NDP) rehearsal is scheduled for this evening.
( Tankee Jie Jie applying Foundation with Leopard side mirror keke)

2Km long, 200 vehicles, 15 mins !!
That is a lot of vehicles to run through :)

Daddy told me that Mobile column occurs only once every 5 years,
as Army do not introduce new vehicles yearly :p

We started at Promenade MRT (Suntec),
and make our way to junction outside Swissotel.

Roads are empty Yeah !

Snapshots with the marching contingents.
Drizzling, but the show must Go on.

Video : Suntec form up, and marching contingents

We arrive at 5pm, and waited till 7pm for Mobile Columns to start their engines!
Spectators anticipating the grand Mobile entry.

Wen Wei had to carry umbrella, so Daddy can snap away :p
Now we know how a monopod can be useful for phototaking.

At the Padang, while Mr President is inspecting the contingents,
the 25 pounders come to Life with loud Bangs !!

Every round will rattle you, and babies start bawling :p

Video : Blast away !

Look up, our Air Force !!
If you have good eyesight, then you can identify Singapore's new F15SG.

7:10 PM... highlight of the day :)
The sky has turn dark pretty fast

No time to shoot photos, just video all of the vehicles first !!

The traffic polices and hometeam sirens and lights,
Illum the road surface ! NICE !!

Video : Mobile columns..streaming

Video : did you see the Washing machines ? (seriously)

Video : Home Team light up the atmosphere

After 15min, time to pack up.
Our army will need to pack these vehicles back to camp.

Tough job, for both the coordinators and participants.
When you next visit a NDP rehearsal, clap your hands louder ok :)

Video : The making of ... NDP Mobile columns

- Mobile columns will be rehearsing agin on the following dates :
Jul 10,17,24,31
- It is not advisable to drive to City area during road-closure periods.

For Vehicles breakdown -->

For other information on NDP 2010, please visit



  1. Thank you for visiting Sajeev, I see your kids are also busy exploring every corners of Singapore :)
