Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wei will attend Primary school in 2010

In July2009, Wei will participate in Primary One registration excercise.

So far, from our own research, two themes keep appearing in dicsussions.
1. Singapore Primary schools (and system) is good, it is how the child was nurtured, which will stand him in good stead in new environment. A confident child will be able to handle himself, and have a better chance to adapt to new friends etc.

2. Do we want Wei to excel in an "average" school? or let him be average in a "famous" school. Parents know our kids best, maybe we should set them realistic expectations :p

For us, our main criteria is school must be within walking distance.
If school is far, I would dread the ferrying to and fro for extra curriculum activities on Sat and Sun !!

As long as Wei enjoys learning, he is free to pick his own curriculum, and there will be minimum pressure from Daddy. (Mummy might have some extra homework ..) We would gently nudge Wei to get more exposure, and identify/develop his own perferences/strong/weak areas.

3. What can parents do to improve their kids' chances better chance of enroling into their "ideal" school?
a. joining the school parents-volunteer group
b. join school associated Clan or association (so called membership)
c. join your RC (resident comittee) and be active participant in neighbour activities

We did none, so we just go for lottery draw in Phase 2C ..haha.
Daddy and Mummy has shortlisted two schools in our neighbourhood, Nan Qiao, and Anchorvale Green.

** Nan Qiao is very hot, and normally oversubcribed by three times and above :p
Once Wei gets in, his sibling will follow his footstep :p
Wei will be our role model, and path seeker for our younger brothers and sister again :)

**updated 2011Jul - Wei went into our First choice school

Another milestone for Wei , Go Go Go.

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  1. I salute your mindset towards your child in terms of selecting schools for him. I'm glad that you are allowing your son space to grow into himself without the pressures of going to an "ideal" school. There is no such thing. There is no guarantee that a child will excel in an "ideal" school if placed there. :)

    Kudos to Mum and Dad!

  2. thanks Andro, a lot of things are beyond our control. In a way, the kids should know that the "Real" world is not ideal, and nobody owns them a living...
