Sunday, May 31, 2009

CMA Exam- Wei

Wei had his CMA examinations today (Arithmetic and Abacus).
This is the first time daddy join me.

Oh my, the test venue (Republic polytechnic) was packed. Children, Anxious parents, and grandpa/ma.. not to mention the siblings..

Wei mention he wanted a trophy last week, but Daddy is worried about competition after seeing so many kids packed together (800 students targeted !!)

Daddy : Wei, just do your best.

The kids are in Room 1/2m and the parents were herded into Room 3/4. The parents can view Room 1/2 via a direct link video.

My teacher :)

another teacher, Mr Tham

Anxious parents waiting for results, and ceremony.
Exam took only 1 hour, but the waiting time stretches to hours :p

Daddy ask Wei to pose infront of the medals, set yourself a target for next exam, must get 1st or 2nd prize :p

Hooray : Wei got 3rd for Abacus, and 4th for Arithmetic .. Well done !!

Time to pose and showoff to Mummy.

Mummy promise "bagugum" (not sure whether spelling correct), if Wei get a trophy.
Now Wei will be one happy kid.
Daddy and Mummy are proud of Wei.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday morning walk

First weekend with Mei Mei at home. Mummy and Daddy did not really get to have a nice cosy sleep .. zzz...ZZZ... zzz...

Since we are awake, Daddy brought us for a morning walk. As Yi gets more mobile, it is harder to catch all three boys together, much less snap a portrait :p
Daddy has to empower Wei (big Brother) to take care of Kang, example crossing the roads, lookup for bicycles..

Picture montage, what we did at the open patch. (favourite spot for aeroplane kits, and kite flying). The boys like to stampede on the han-xiu-cao, (Daddy does not have name for the weed)
Yi would gesture with head, leg, hand everytime a bus, LRT. aeroplane swoop by.. The big boys attempting a SOC (standard obstacle course). Yi had other things on his mind.Mummy say we were making so much din, she can hear us from our house !! (10 floor and above)

After we got home, and bath, second round of play. Lorry and Car banging.. these activities prove too chaotic, and Mei Mei woke up crying :p

Mummy managed to find a sunglass for Yi too. Cool dudes.

First photo with our Mei Mei. Yi refuse to join in the photo, he still want to play his Lorry.

Daddy and babies. Mei Mei grew impatient and started crying hee hee.

Nai Nai and babies.

Video : Boys playing with the leaves

Video : Run round and round the field.

Video : cars chaos at home

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Princess Day 2

Mummy had stayed overnight at TMC herself. Unlike previous babies, Daddy could not be companion :( Daddy has to take care of three boys at home..

On second day, after sending the boys to school, Daddy went back to TMC again. Poor Yi was not feeling well, and Daddy brought him along.

Mei Mei sleeping again, all new-borns really sleep through, then wake up at night hee hee ..
Cosy Cosy.. hug hug..

We suspect Mei Mei is using "Head and Shoulder" shampoo, and nurse comb her hair ??

Yi dozes after his medicine and lunch, but was woken by Mei Mei's crying hee.
Poor boy did not have any toys, and Mummy/Daddy has to take turn to entertain him and bring him up/down the corridors :p
Sharing a meal, in fact Mummy complained Yi finish almost half her lunch haha.

zzz again... so comfortable in her cocoon blanket.

Bouquet from hospital, and boy's school, so sweet :)

Open two eyes, are you trying to smile? We confirmed she got double-eyelid, like her kor kors.

Open one eye, playing tricks with Mummy already?

Mummy : Enough milk? Hungry for more?

This girl got nice hairdo.. Daddy like her prominent Nose :)

Daddy showing off again...

After his meals, Yi brings his shoes to Daddy. Don't worry, Daddy got the hint.

Daddy : Mummy (and hopefully 妹妹) will be discharged tomorrow.
All our babies are born in Thomson, and we got our wonderful gynae (Dr Madeleine Tan) to thanks :)

Video : Baby Talk with our girl

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Princess Day 1

Our baby's due date was supposed to be 08June :)
We thought we were prepared, but it was still hectic, or maybe Mummy and Daddy are too excited :p

0500 - woke up
0630 - admitted to TMC
0715 - brought kids to school (with Nai Nai's help)..Luckily they did not throw up a fuss
0745 - daddy back to TMC
0830 - mummy already dilated 3cm.
1115 - baby Pop (less than 3 hours hooray)
1800 - pick up kids to visit Mummy and Mei Mei
2100 - kids and Daddy knocked out ..zzz

We camp outside our school, can someone open the gates please !!

Wei and Kang understands Mei Mei is coming, but play is still more important to them haha.

Daddy went back to the ward.. D-day in room number "9".

As the timing closes in, Daddy and Mummy gets more tense. Daddy can only provide moral support :p (stand by her)

After 3 hours wait, Baby pops, Mummy only has to exert a few times :)
Sweet labour, and we got rewarded with a cute bundle hee.
Victory sign from Mummy, and to show our kids how they came into the world :p
Mummy is great, Love you ..

Tudung? We both thought Mei Mei was wrapped like our Muslim friends :p She look adorable. After getting Blue-cards for first three boys, a Pink-card was very refreshing !!

New upgraded room..two 42" LCDs, and one computer console (internet is free)..Wow, do we have time to enjoy the movies? Our nurses were very attentive and helpful. For those interested, $488/nite :) Husbands should pamper their wives :p (Mummy suffer for 38 weeks)

Look at 公主 (princess) chubby cheeks ..

Sleepy, and cosy, maybe she dreamt she is still in Mummy's womb?
Close up, she has a lot of hair :) and her skin is radiant (like lobster). Mummy say this is due to all the durian intakes !!
We thought her round-face, and hairy crop resembles Kang -->
First prize winner - Andy and Mengchoo :) We just could not stop beaming with delight and we are very Proud parents !!

The boys arrive around 1800, had our dinner, and disturb, poke our new Lee Baby.
Wei and Kang (older) knows how to sing lullaby and sayang Mei Mei.
Yi (number 3) tries to imitate, and he use "extra" strength to pat Mei Mei's buttock !! haha

Wei :Mummy tell us the bike, and "cars" were gifts from our dearest Mei Mei.
Each and every of us will still be Mummy/Daddy's darlings :0
Daddy was forgetful, did not photograph the boys with their 妹妹.

shortlisted names
李文欣 (xin)
李文琪 (qi)
李文悉 (xi)
李文萱 (xuan)
李文慧 (hui)
李文彬 (bin)

Daddy : Big Relief for us, finally ORD. Yi is now officially promoted to 三哥.
With 妹妹's (sister) arrival, our Blog title Boys.Girl is fulfilled :)

Video - Mummy jubilant, Daddy proud
Video - Little sister is very alert