Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday morning walk

First weekend with Mei Mei at home. Mummy and Daddy did not really get to have a nice cosy sleep .. zzz...ZZZ... zzz...

Since we are awake, Daddy brought us for a morning walk. As Yi gets more mobile, it is harder to catch all three boys together, much less snap a portrait :p
Daddy has to empower Wei (big Brother) to take care of Kang, example crossing the roads, lookup for bicycles..

Picture montage, what we did at the open patch. (favourite spot for aeroplane kits, and kite flying). The boys like to stampede on the han-xiu-cao, (Daddy does not have name for the weed)
Yi would gesture with head, leg, hand everytime a bus, LRT. aeroplane swoop by.. The big boys attempting a SOC (standard obstacle course). Yi had other things on his mind.Mummy say we were making so much din, she can hear us from our house !! (10 floor and above)

After we got home, and bath, second round of play. Lorry and Car banging.. these activities prove too chaotic, and Mei Mei woke up crying :p

Mummy managed to find a sunglass for Yi too. Cool dudes.

First photo with our Mei Mei. Yi refuse to join in the photo, he still want to play his Lorry.

Daddy and babies. Mei Mei grew impatient and started crying hee hee.

Nai Nai and babies.

Video : Boys playing with the leaves

Video : Run round and round the field.

Video : cars chaos at home

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