Sunday, February 26, 2012

Travelling with kids

It is never easy to travel with kids, no wonder some say holiday trips can be "suffering,
or back-breaking" with kids.

For us, we have to manage our expectations, cut down that romantic candlelight dinner. Traveling as a couple is totally different from traveling as a family. Our focus, itinerary are all geared for kids. We recommend that you always have a plan-B, as you can definitely expect some hiccups :p

If you have not travel oversea or even hesitate to bring your child on that first flight, why not consider driving to Malaysia? It is near, you plan your own journey, and the exchange rate is in our flavour.
Once you have more confidence, go further.

Ensure your itinerary is flexible, so that you can still enjoy, and there is no need to rush from point to point. It will be exhausting, and we hate it when everyone on the bus is waiting for us !
Personally, we prefer free & easy tours, when we can take our own sweet time to savour the sights, food and culture.

Money is important, our (2+4) accommodation and flight tickets will form the largest expense ticket in our budget. That's why we need to research ! We do not need the Best "resort, food or experience" that money can buy, but we definitely do not want to pick a LEMON ! We find blog reviews and references extremely important.

Do drop by our travel itinerary in Apac (Krabi, Taiwan and Malaysia roadtrips are recommended)

From young, our four kids have been traveling with us. Although our budget cannot fly us to Europe and US, they had no lack of fun when we travel in Asia.

The No1 tip for parents who are traveling first time with kids, go try our bus and MRT first :p
(and please remember to leave the car and maid at home)

No2 tip, after every holiday, the kids will always remember the farms, animals, nature, rather than the City, the themepark, the food etc. Kids do not need a sophisticated itinerary :)



  1. Nice piece about family travel. I moved to Gwangju, South Korea with my wife and little boy--it went well, as it turned out, but I can see how things can go very, very wrong.

    Thanks for posting,
    Mark L.

  2. Great tips, Andy. We are going for our first 'family of four' holiday in Bali soon, so will need to start prepping... :)

  3. An-Yong-Ha-Sae-Yong Mark, if it is any consolation, Korea will be difficult, even for Asians haha. (will start following your family's adventures)


  4. hi June, have fun :)
    Check out Jbabies' Bali post.

    When you are back, share with other parents about your first-family trip :)

  5. hi andy, really interesting blog!
    last dec we brought our kid to HK (you guys have been to so many places & i'm surprise HK is not one of your destination yet?) , 1st o/seas trip by flight after 6 long years!!! We compared prices & finally took tiger air & realised that kid & adult fares are the same! totally agree with you the kid remember every single bit of the trip but not how luxurious the food & hotel is..

  6. hi hi, HongKong is near :)
    We were actually waiting for our youngest kid to recognise the Mickeys and the Donalds.
