Thursday, February 23, 2012

Shops in Greenwich V

Daddy had earlier blog about our Amazing Race adventures at GreenWich V. You can watch how the three teams challenge each other to eat the most haha. {Click for Video}

Today, we would like to share more about ToastBox and Home-Fix. Actually, this is Daddy's homework, after all we did enjoy ourselves two Sats ago :)

#01 - Paul's thumbs up, the universal language for TipTop. The curry chicken is tender and not too spicy, and we love the milky gravy. Daddy can eat plain rice with this gravy alone.

When Wei saw Daddy scooping the curry, he quickly rush over to satisfy his craving. Yes, our boy loves everything spicy and hot, and that includes Wasabi !

Another signature dish from ToastBox is their Peanut Butter toast. The thick and sweet spread of Peanut will hit your nose. Needless to say, it was gone before we can say "Peanut ... Butter" !

After eating our fill, our next challenge requires us to build a cabinet ! Ok, Daddy exaggerated, we need to find two tools needed for cabinet fixing.

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#02 - It did not take us long before we solve the clue and head to Home-Fix. Where else can we get all the tools under one roof? In the olden days, we have to rely on 五金店 , but now Home-Fix serves our Diy needs.

In Home-Fix, you will not go wrong with drills :p
Even if you are not quite a handy man, we can always rely on the friendly staff's recommendations.

Off topic, Daddy's best friend is WD40. One spray fixes everything.
(Squeaking door, rusty bicycle chain, dry cabinet rollers etc)
WD40 has been around for 50+ years, do you know what it stands for ?

Your light bulbs store, every man worth his salt must know how to change light bulbs. Unless you prefer some unscheduled RomantiC moments :p

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More group photos :)

Interested to know more about the other shops in GreenWich V ? Do drop by our team's recommendations :
- Sandra (BerryLite and Empire State)
- Phoebe (Gong Cha, Prima Deli and Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf)
- Klessis (Cedele and Soulworks)
- Paul (Phoenix Medicaland Paradise Inn)
- bloggers' challenge (eat, walk, guess, eat, walk, see, play.. repeat for 10 outlets !)

Now you know about team Lifestyle's powerful kids (both big and small), share our joy, vote and stand to win $50 vouchers. Voting starts 13Mar, click here for Voting instructions.

Click on photo below to read blog posts from the other teams..

** Photo credit from team Omy and Phoebe
More event photos can be found at SengkangBabies fanpage :)


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