Thursday, October 27, 2011

Picasa for photo editing

Picasa is a simple, Fast and efficient way to manage your photos.
More importantly, it is easy to learn and FREE !

Our blog is photos intensive, and you see collages everywhere. Daddy love the way SengkangBabies' adventures are presented in storyboard format.

Today, we will share why Picasa might be useful for you.

1. Crop is the single most important tool for photo editing.
Cropping can display different compositions, enlarge and focus on your subject, or remove clutter from the photo. Look what cropping can do to our Swan.

2. Collage (the one and only reason to use Picasa)
Add a few photos together to form your storyboard.
Instead of one photo, a collage can tell a story through a sequence of photos.

There is no limit to your imagination, just add, readjust, and add a Title.
Our blog header happens to be a collage of our old-playground adventures :)

3. Export and Watermark (batch processing)

- reduce image size - allows you store more photos online
- smaller image loads faster on your browser (800x600 is good enough for webpage, facebook albums etc)
- batch processing, you can export whole-album (eg downgrade image resolution to 800x600), and add in some Watermarks along the way. Batch processing saves us a lot of time and effort.

4. Special Effects, allows us to stretch our creativity.

- B&W - some photos look more mysterious and captivating in Black&White
- Soft Focus - allows you to do a lens-blur, ie blur out everything except Subject
- Focal B&W - only one portion will be colored (see red ball below)

If you got time and extra money, by all means, go for Adobe Photoshop or LightRoom.
The learning curve is steeper, but once you master, can greatly enhance your photo quality.
(you can always Youtube "photoshop tutorial" for tons of tips)
Otherwise, if you are always busy and short of time, give Picasa a try.

Video : More updates on Picasa

Above information is sorely meant for sharing, and Daddy Andy's own point of view.
If you have more tips and recommendations, we welcome you to share them with us.

A good Story = Photo + Caption



  1. I never know that Picassa is so useful to edit pictures, thank for the tutorial.

    Photo Editing
