Monday, September 19, 2011

POSB Passion Kids Run

Daddy brought two boys to participate in POSB's Kids Run on Sunday morning.

Posb together with People's Association (PA) is organizing this run for charity too. For every 1Km, Posb will donate $2.

We are happy that Heng family (BPDG blog) are joining us this morning :)

A lot of kids were here for the 800m dash, and both Wei and Denver wish they can do some dashing , maybe for 2012 :)

Kids are eager to start their 4.5Km

Around 8am, the horn sounded off the families

Loved this photo, with the sun's ray breaking through the trees

It does not matter whether you are slow or fast. Family fun is more important.

After 70min, we can finally see the finishing line.

Hello Mr Yam, we pose with our friendly Returning-Officer.

Goodies await our kids at the finishing line. A nice reward.

Daddy would like to thanks :
- Nirwan (Plish ) and Juliana (Ura) for the invitation
- Kevin and Zhong Hua (from PA) for the logistics and Tshirts.

For more fun photos, do drop by SengkangBabies fanpage.


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