Saturday, May 14, 2011

Southern Ridges Forest Walk

Southern Ridges is a series of hills located SouthWest of Singapore. The 9Km trail stretches from CanopyWalk (on the left) to Marang (Vivo ) on the right.

On 02May, three families (Tan, Heng and Lee) try to conquer the ridges from Hort Park to HendersonWaves.

Enlarge Map for the landmarks.

We started from Hort Park, with Alexandra Arch. The sky looks gloomy.

Forest Walk is a series of bridges cutting diagonally into the forest !! We are supposed to see some wildlife like monkeys and birds along the passage.

Forest Walk turn out to be the highlight of our walk. We just love to walk, jog, run and climb the bridges. So much Fun as we were literally walking at tree top level!!

Nice views accompany us, but be careful of the slippery bridge (Especially after rain)

Junction from the top. With friends, climbing is no feat.

We survive first stop..on to Telok Blangah Hills.

Signs and markings guide us along the way, path is easy to navigate, and definitely stroller-friendly. Bring your babies and family along :)

Henderson Waves is cool. Did you notice that a lot of families were roaming Southern Ridges today !!

The rain never stops, and we slowly make our wake across Henderson.

Posing time

Kids rewarded with Pocky . Well Done everyone !
We manage to complete our trek in 90 mins.

After a short break, we headed back to Hort Park. We decide to detour and climb Telok Blangah HillTop first. From the top, we were spoiled with paranomic views all around!!

Kids decided to play a few ronds of Scissors, Paper, Stone!

Slow stroll onto ForestWalk again. Still no monkeys.

Let us take a photo at Alexandra Arch. We love this morning's trail, and we should try again.

Video : View from Terrace Garden

Only cheerful faces

For more updates on the Southern Ridges, please visit BPDG's (Heng family) blog --

..If you like something more challenging, try MacRitchie's TreeTop walk --
On a scale of 10, Southern Ridge is 6/10, and MacRitchie TreeTop is 8/10.

- Drink enough water
- wear comfortable shoes
- if it is raining, the Forest Walk will be slippery
- if driving, make plans back to your carpark. Do you walk, bus, carPool back?
Npark Bus guide --
- Get Npark's helpful Diy guide --


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