Saturday, January 22, 2011

Drypers Family Man 绝世好爸妙家人

Ch8 together with Drypers, got a upcoming programme on Family Man.
"Drypers Family Man" aims to showcase what the fathers can do at home
(cook, wash, shopping, child-minding).

With Mummy's support, Daddy grab two models and went for an interview last weekend. Wow, there are almost 250 Daddies who are participating !

Only 8 will be shortlisted to participate in the Variety Programme in Mar.
We are at number 45 :p

Daddy feels this will be a great platform for Daddies to showcase their "skills".
Hey, we can show Singaporeans being a Daddy can be happening too !
(after we dispose the soiled pamper)



  1. All the best! Am sure you'll do great! :)

  2. @MamaJ and Lolly : I would need a lot of luck, that is, if we managed to get selected first haha :)
