Tuesday, November 2, 2010

about KenWooi.com

Ken who? Yes, he always claimed he is not famous, but (Daddy's Ipoh idol ) is very hot and popular in Malaysia. Maybe his popularity rating is second only to Ipoh Hor Fun :p

It is rumoured that US President Obama also reads his blog!!

Somehow along the way, Ken became famous (or infamous) and is Nov's Blogger-of-the-Month for Nuffnang. Congrats Ken!
Read his article --> http://www.nuffnang.com.my/featured-blogger/bg-2010-nov/

What does Daddy like about Kenwooi.com?

- he always claim he is not famous, but his blogging style is unique
- Ken shares how-not-to-be-famous tips generously
- he is witty and can be sarcastic
- Ken is very thick skin, but at least he is is truthful haha
- being humorous helps !

Some of his "Famous" topics

Reader discretion needed,
Ken's blog contains nudity and booxs or other organs !
These are taboo topics in Sengkangbabies (since we talk about cute kids+activities).
Becareful when you are browsing KenWooi.com in office or with kids :p

Daddy Andy first got attracted through his London Madam Tussauds post--> http://www.kenwooi.com/2010/02/madame-tussauds-london.html
I remembered thinking who-will-blog-about-Madam-Tussauds-like-this !!
(do not enter if nudity offends you)

Ok, enough said. Ken's blogging style is not for everyone.
Visit his blog and decide for yourself :p

ps.. Parenting blogs always talk about exams and parenting stress,
so Daddy need a dose of humour :p


  1. aggree with you...here is a true blogger..

  2. reading kenwooi makes me laugh.. he is real n lovely i guest..

  3. hi Mizzura and Indahnyasisuria. Ken demostrates that if u are popular. Ppl visit u from anywhere, and Ken attracts male/female, old/young, family/single readers !

  4. kenwooi will be more famous after this.. (^__^)

  5. read bout kenwooi.com on nuffnang...:) turned out to be nice blog... im a fan already..hehheh
