Thursday, July 29, 2010

SEO, Trending. How to increase Blog traffic ?

What are these terms?

If you need to increase traffic to your blog, then you might need to google the above terms for tips. If you are on Nuffnang, your blog-analytics might also give you some clues.

Example, popular search hits on SengKangBabies are
"MBS, MarinaBaySands, and InfinityPool".
No wonder Sands made a $150 mil profit in 90 days !!

Google Hits for "NDP, Mobile-columns, Marina Bay, Fireworks"
are a distant second :)

Referring to Yahoo's screenshot above, has a small trending table, highlighting popular searches on it's portal.

iPhone4 is number 1! Well, Apple is big news globally. Even my Pri 1 boy can tell me this is fact ! "NDP and firework" is not even in top 10.

HEllo, who is Lim Swee Say? Why is Mr NTUC so popular?

Daddy was curious ( some blunt friends will say kaypoh)... Yahoo searches revealed Mr Lim is famous for cosplaying as Zorro !
He got a Wiki entry, so he must be famous.

So in summary, if you wish to increase your traffic,
please ensure your Subject Title and even Tags are popular.

Now, who is going to blog about Jay Chou (周杰倫)?
Did Jay's image tricked any of you into visiting our blog :p

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

NDP 2010 - Fireworks at Marina Bay

We have heard rave reviews about Singapore's new Marina downtown.
So last Sat, we went sightseeing, and hopefully to catch some fireworks.

We arrived at around 6pm, expecting fireworks at 8:10pm.
The place was already crowded with camera enthusiasts.
Tripods line the Marina Reservoir circumference.

We managed to captured part of National Day Parade (NDP)'s mobile column.
Maybe they are protecting Marina Bay Sands (MBS) ?

Did you caught Sengkangbabies' review of NDP 2010 mobile column?

The sky turning dark.. relaxing atmosphere around the Bay.

Can you imagine walking down Marina promenade with your darlings?
With the magnificent CBD skyline behind you, reflections basking in the Marina reservoir, and MBS over the horizon. Our Prime Minister Lee says this will be Singapore's Shanghai-Bund

Picture taken from

We saw a lot of families and couples either strolling along, or settling down to picnic.

When Daddy holds Mummy's hand, we have a moment of Romance.. until the kids caught up with us, and hijack Mummy's hands :p

As the sun sets, you can anticipates the firework's impending explosions

3, 2, 1.. Blast..

Who brightens Marina Skyline?

NICE..Kids lover the atmosphere !


Memorable. Spectacular.

Previously, everybody can only squeeze near Esplanade or Merlion, now with Marina Bay , more people can view the Fireworks . HooRay !!

Our new downtown is glowing, and families should enjoy a stroll.
However, carpark location might be an issue (walking to and fro).
Please plan your walking trial, and do not tired out the little ones :p
(otherwise parents have to piggy back )

Tons of posing opportunities

Marina Bay City Gallery looks interesting, but the kids were more interested in the water feature outside. Daddy suspect this will be a popular get-wet spot during weekends.

Is the smoke from the fireworks or the fine blue/green mist?

We love this greenish photo :)

Pose with L.OVE

Let's move on.. Wen Xin has a lot of volunteers to push her.

We are hungry after a night of excitement. Supper at Lau Pa Sat.

More information on Marina Bay:
Marina Bay, definitely worth a second visit !!

Video :We end this NDP article with Daddy's favourite fireworks clip
(feels like you are at the scene)

from Youtube Genesis3417 -->

Other links:

**updated 10Oc2010 --> Our Maybank Marina Night Walk (Fun!)

**updated 2011Jul - Marina Bay Fireworks during NDP rehearsal

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Nan Qiao Primary 1 no more exams, but Pri 2..

Last week, parents of Nan Qiao Primary were briefed on Ministry of Education (MOE) new Holistic assessment.

MOE's maxim is "Teach Less , Learn More".

- schools are encouraged to drop Exams for Pri 1 and 2
- more projects and continual assessment (bite size)
- frequent feedback between teachers and parents
- children will be encouraged to learn at own pace

Before we start the session, we were shown a clip of Tomorrow's teaching medium.
How does K12 students in US embrace technology, and gets equipped for 21st century?

Maybe Wei will be asking for iphone or ipad sooner than later?

Snippet of future assessment model

For more information, please visit

How will MOE's new Holistic curriculum
impact Singapore's Pri 1 and 2 children?

1) Teaching and assessment methods
- teachers need to engage new breed of students, who grew up on Internet
- teaching method will change, with emphasize on internet and social medias
(eg Facebook, DigitalStories)
- bite size assessment with more quizes and tasks (easier to digest)
- emphasize on oral skills, expressions of ideas, passion for subjects

2) Exam realignment
- emphasize on Oral Linguistic skills (spoken, show and tell)
- old school teaching focus more on written skills

In the pursuit for academic excellence, Nan Qiao will still focus on character development. We need Firm moral foundation, before we can seek out the truth.

By 2013, two major milestones will impact all Primary 1 and 2 children.

- a) single session schools, the idea is to allow children
more opportunities and "free" time to develop other non-academic interests
- b) No exams for Pri 1 , Pri 2 (maybe)

Exciting times lie ahead.
Will it be more or less stressful for kids (and parents?)
Only time will tell.

Our session ends with a famous quote from Mark Luther :
"Intelligence and Character is the true meaning of Education"

credits ..
ipad pic taken from

Friday, July 23, 2010

Hair for Hope 2010

Fancy losing your precious hair?
Ever wonder how you would look and feel, when you are bald?

Children who suffers from cancer, needs to undergo chemotherapy.
As a side effect, they will experience hair loss.
How would our little friends feel?

To support the children (morally and financially), a group of heroes and heroine go bald each year. Hair for Hope is a programme which allows you and me,
to stand in solidarity with children who are cancer-stricken.

Objectives for Hair-for-Hope (copied from :
1. Create awareness of childhood cancer in Singapore.
2. Show to children with cancer and their families that they are not alone in their fight against cancer.
3. Boost the self-esteem of children undergoing chemotherapy by sending the message that that there is nothing wrong in losing their hair or being bald.
4. Raise funds to help children with cancer and their families
5. Build a community of support for children with cancer and their families.

How can you help?
- be a volunteer
- help to raise fund
- shave, to show you emphatise with our little patients
- raise awareness, through social medium, tweets and facebook

Please visit for more information.

If you are passing by Vivocity this Sunday 25th July, do drop by.
Honour our heroes and heroine who are making a sacrifice.

Thumbs Up for a good cause !!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Jacob's & Gurmit Singh (aka PCK) wants you at Pasir Ris Park

Jacob's is having a Walk-of-life outing at Pasir Ris Park on 05Sep.
Celebrity dad, Gurmit Singh will be there to jostle with families.

If you are a Daddy, the day is yours. The theme is :
健康父亲 , 健康家庭 (Healthy Daddy, Healthy Family)

Quick, sign up at
Registration for first 2000 participants only.

We are Healthy and Happy, but we will also be out of town :(
Otherwise, our boys would be wearing their boots to meet PCK keke.
Have Fun.

If you do not know PCK, where have you been hiding?
His yellow boots and mole is so famous in Singapore, Batam and Johor :p

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Our 10 years anniversary .. Precious Moments..

Let us tell you a story .. our L.OVE story .

We dated ..and enjoy each other's company .

He proposed .. and we are One .

Ten years .. four babies .. we are still in LO.VE

LOV.E you forever, my darling wife :)


Monday, July 19, 2010

Wen Kang B'day (Part II)

We invited our relatives and friends to pop by Wen Kang's birthday.
But the kids need to sleep first, otherwise they will look listless during party time :0

Xin : please open the door, my mum-mum (food) is here.

Food is from caterer Yum Cha, and their Tim Sum (点心) is very delicious, and served piping hot. Since our guests are not here yet, we can only look/smell at the food.

Kiddos keep themselves entertained. Happy Family card games.

Our stomach cannot wait anymore, kids start with appetisers.

Everybody is in a good mood. Kang is quietly happy that he will be celebrating his 5th birthday. Kang promise Mummy he will be a good boy.

More photos taking. Everybody smile :)
Our cousins and friends join in the fun.
Our house is filled with kiddos' laughter. balloons, no decorations...(Daddy lazy)...
.the kids just need their siblings and buddies and cousins to raise the FUN factor !

Jie Jie WeiTing is our unofficial photographer.
Kang's favourite Autobot character, BumbleBee.

Let us sing a song, family photos.
Kara and Jolie enjoy pushing our karts around the house.

Video : Silent rendition of Happy Birthday and 生日快乐
(silly Daddy muted the video !)
..Even Wen Xin and Wen Yi know how to play-act during b'day songs :)

Yummy cake, every kid can have two servings. Wow !

happy together :)

Open your present.

... Kang told Mummy he is now a big boy, and will not be naughty again.
Yeah, like real !! coming from the most mischievous member of SengkangBabies :p