Sunday, June 6, 2010

Why so few Daddy bloggers in Singapore?

Daddy Andy is having fun documenting :
- our children's growing stages
- their bicycycles, kites, and even swims
- their school activities
- we can even Youtube, Facebook or Tweet about every
facial expressions or poo-poo from our little darlings haha

Daddy bloggers (covering Parenting topics) are rare in Singapore.
When you google or blogsearch, only Mummy bloggers are listed.
In forums and blogging circles, you see all the Mummies network.

Daddies offer a different perspective to parenting.
We extract kiddos' FUN sides, and teach them about histories, and mould their personalities. Some Daddies teach, cook, and even work as SAHD.

Whenever kids mention above words, Daddy will melt.
For that special moment, you forget about the tough assignments at work,
and you remember, who are your idols !
Yes, Daddies can be sensitive too :)

Daddy can blog?
Are you intrigued, curious? or wish to confirm some myths?
- is Daddy really closer to little daughters?
- or Daddy always the discipline master at home?

or you fits the following role :
- son , daddy, upcoming Daddy, grandpas

If yes, send me a mail, get in touch.
Maybe , we can have some bonding activities under NFC, or DadsforLife.
But, please remember to get time-offs from the Mummies first ok :p

Meanwhile, join these other fabulous Daddies in their daily endeavours and challenges. (Help me to add to the list..) (going to be father soon)

Happy Father's day !!
Parenting can be FUN and cool.


  1. Hey, same thing I posted last month when I decided to spin off a more consistent blog about being a daddy. I realised that it is tough finding daddies that blog frequently in Singapore!

    Thanks for adding me to your list!

  2. it's quite seldom to bump in daddy's blog.. but mom's blog are almost everywhere =)

  3. @ Kelvin : keep on blogging :)

    @ Ken : wonder why? Maybe some think man got better things to do than blogging keke (play with computer, camera, cars etc etc)

  4. Maybe most daddys are as lost for words as I am. LOL. I am always trying to include more blog entries about parenting but end up posting photos instead. :D Let's all start to blog more!

  5. haha Andrew, I am your fan, love your photos! Yes, Daddies can network and strive for more "parenting" posts haha.

  6. Hi all, always nice to see other dad bloggers, though I don't really consider myself a serious blogger. I just write about my cafe-hopping sessions with my 2 year old. Check it out if you like:

    1. hi hi Patric, sorry for the delayed reply. I am not blogging at Keep in touch, online :)

  7. Agree should have more BB daddy blogs :))
    It's interesting to see another perspective to things .

    1. This post was from 2010, and still holds true today, too few Dad bloggers haha. Do pop by our new blog too :)
