Thursday, June 24, 2010

Gardens by the Bay at Marina

Have you seen the latest "Garden by the Bay" clip?
Impressive dragonflies bring you on a virtual tour !!

Misty Cool greenhouse, Garden oasis, flowers blooming all year,
four seasons, Rainforests !!
Did anybody else see the smelly Rafflesia flower?

This is Singapore's Eden, fronting Barrage and Marina reservoir.
Not just another Garden, this is our Garden by the Bay.
When night falls, and the City skyline forms the backdrop. Awesome !!

Come end 2011, this garden will be our new picnic place :)

More garden and parks information available at -->
Video taken from
Author : Squint/Opera

Look at Their bidding Video . Super COOL !!! have Lion, Dragon, Moon, Tiger !

BBC link -->

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