Friday, March 12, 2010

Wen Wei's P1 progress, and 弟子规

Wen Wei 's weekly schedules :

1) Academic :
- English spelling (once a week), chinese spelling (twice a week)
- sat extra classes for English and Chinese Hanyu Pinyin classes
- Primary school curriculum is already fully pack :p

2) Curriculum/sports
- Running in school parade Square - Wei tells mummy he like to go there and run with his classmates

3) Arts
Wei enjoyed using his art work given by school , recently he drew a submarine from Daddy's image.

4) SengKang library
Wei goes to Sengkang library twice per week. He knows which corners contain his storybooks. Mummy got him a library card, so that Wei can borrow his own books soon.

5) Daddy would like to focus on Wei's Chinese lessons, classics

Video : Daddy could not catch what Wei's 弟子规 is saying,
we only know he likes reciting the verses.

- literally translated as "Standards for being a Good Student and Child"
- teaching and imparting morals and good virtues into children
- do Good deeds

Seven chapters :
Chapter 1 - At Home, Be Dutiful to My Parents
Chapter 2 - Standards for Younger Brothers (and Juniors) when Away from Home
Chapter 3 - Be Cautious (or Reverent]) in My Daily Life
Chapter 4 - Be Trustworthy
Chapter 5 - Love All Equally
Chapter 6 - Be Close to and Learn from People of Virtue and Compassion
Chapter 7 - After All the Above are Accomplished, I Should Study Further and Learn Literature & Art to Improve My Cultural and Spiritual Life (or "If I Have Energy Left Over, I Should Study Writings"

** how a KiasuParent Mummy improve communications between parents/child

人之初, 性本善 (in the beginning, everybody has stong moral compass)
Extracted from
--> 三字经

Another excellent classics (deep philosophy) which Wen Wei is going through..

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