Wednesday, March 10, 2010

03Apr - Nuffnang symposium on Blogging and Photography

Nuffnang is organising a Blogger/Photographer symposium on 03Apr.

Mummy Leonny will be one of the teachers, and she will be
sharing her Insights on blogging and photo-taking techniques.

Why join?
- meetup of friends
- sharing of knowledge
- workshop is free (last checked, Daddy is still a Kiasu Singaporean)
- you might win a Canon S90

How do I join? Click on links :
Leonny's :

In business lingo, this session helps to put a "face behind the name".
But for us bloggers, since we already "know" each other virtually,
An opportunity to say Hello, Shake hands, hug, maybe get a peck keke.

It will be awesome to meet some of Daddy's idols in person.

**updated 07Apr - Actual Day

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