Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sat morning jog

Nothing like the weekends.. especially Sats, when we can wake up a bit later at 0800. Kids are normally awake by 0730, as they sleep by 2130.

Mummy, maybe by instinct, need minimum sleep, and she will wake up early to feed kiddos. Daddy is normally last one to wake up :p
To make up for it, Daddy challenge the kids for a short run this morning.
We went around our neighbourhood.

Video : r u n

This is always what happens when kiddos run with parents..they always overtake you, only to slag down at the end.. All do not want to walk already :p
Kang looks grumpy too.

Daddy also brought us to playground.. actually exercise corner..

Video : Sengkang Gym

Mummy had brought the kiddos to another playground last week, The kids are spoilt for choice when it comes to playground.

Daddy : We missed those rugged playgrounds from yesterdays, where you can dig soil, jump, and swing like nobody business. New generation playgrounds are so s.a.f.e !!

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