Sunday, January 3, 2010

Milestone for Wen Wei - Primary School at Nan Qiao

Tomorrow is big-day for Wen Wei.
He will be starting Primary One, together with countless other kiddos in Singapore. It seems like yesterday when he was still in Nursery!!

- new environment
- new independence
- new friends
- more things to learn

To prepare him for Primary school, his current pre-school LearningVision organised a Primary school field trip for all K2 kids. Kiddos get orientatation on school life, toilets, canteens, curriculum etc etc. Look at Wei's buddy from Radin Mas Primary.

Daddy and Mummy will show moral support by going to school with him.
Eh, not sure what else we can do there, beside trying to be kaypoh (nosey), and peep into his new lifestyle. Maybe join him Canteen lunch?
Daddy remember when he attended Primary school last time, anxious parents/grandparents will tip-top and try to peep inside the classrooms haha.
It is now Wen Wei's show :) , Wen Wei with his K2 buddies...

Logistics arrangement:
Starting tomorrow, Mummy will also start on a new work package.
She will "supervise" Wei in the morning, and go to work in the afternoon.
In the evening, 奶奶 will fetch Wei home.
Daddy will continue to bring other 3 kiddos to pre-school daily.

More LV Graduatution pics

If you need more tips about :
- Primary enrolment and balloting
- increasing your chances at preferred schools
- parental volunteer groups

Do visit .

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