Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Backup your Data, utilise your space quota

What happens if your computer burns down tomorrow?
Have you backup your data and memories (pictures and videos) ?

Daddy backups his data once every 6 months. Can we afford to lose those precious memories? NOPE !!

While you are backing up, do not forget to archive your blogging Contents and Template too.
It would be horrible to rebuilt your blog from scratch. If you are kiasi, you can even test exporting your Contents and Template to a test-blog.

If you always fiddle with widgets or templates, backup first !!
One little <#tag# > placed in a wrong corner can mess up everything :)

Blogger gives us 1Gb space quota for our pictures and video.
Daddy has already used 200Mb, due to our blog's intensive pictures and videos.

How do we utilise the amount of space?
- reduce picture size (most camera bundled software can do this)
- reduce video size (eg with Windows Movie Maker)
- host your pictures and videos outside Blogger, then just provide links or embed
- example "Videos" : use Vimeo or YouTube, and "Pictures" use Picasa or Flickr.

Your blog will load faster too, when your pictures and videos are smaller.

Vimeo can create cute thumbnails for video-playbacks too.
Playback our favourite videos at top-right of our blog.

Additional tips to migrate your blogs :

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