Saturday, October 31, 2009

In China, almost 60,000 babies are kidnapped yearly !!

*picture taken from

Daddy saw this shocking news yesterday.
He told the kiddos that some naughty people will catch little children.

Video : Family reunited

Almost 60,000 babies are reported lost in China yearly !!
To put into perspective, Singapore only has around 40,000 babies yearly !!

Daddy shuddered at the magnitude.
Can you imagine how devastating it is to lose a child?

We are very lucky and blessed in Singapore.
Some of us might have taken things for granted.
We might assume children will never go missing in Singapore, no terrorists will hit us, no natural disaster etc.

The fact is, sad stories abound in Singapore's neighbourhood.
Some families do not even know when the next meal will be available, and a simple bed is a luxury. Education and Future are far from hungry kids' minds!!

Daddy look at the kiddos again. We are indeed very fortunate to live in Singapore. Now, it will be a challenge to impart empathy into the kids, for them to learn to Care about others.

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