Wednesday, September 30, 2009

B.L.O.G , meaning I love you

We do not know what will happen next minute, next month or year.
But this Minute, this Second, we want to kiss them when they sleep.
Be with them.
Share their joys and sorrows.
Grow with them.
Darling sons and daughter, Mummy and Daddy love you.

Happy Children Day !!

There are so many ways to express our love for our kids.
Daddy and Mummy choose to B.L.O.G about our experiences.

Memories, whether nice or sad (酸甜苦辣) are there for a reason.
We would like to time-capsuled our chidren's growth, and milestones.
Maybe, when Daddy and Mummy have retired, we can look back at our Blog, and laugh ourselves silly :)

Daddy likes to share his experiences (6 months only haha) on setting up a blog.

- why blog?
- to keep friends and relatives updated on latest gossips
- chronicle of life and challenges
- to share our experiences and Fun with other parents

- start small
- once you get started, ideas will flow
- get a decent Point&Shoot camera, for those candid moments
- conceptualise your ideas into script, engage our kids to 自编自导自演.
- use Picasa or Flickr to manage your photos
- more importantly, have Fun !!

Substance and Sharing
- no need to spend big $$ for outdoor fun, just spent more time with our kids
- let their imagination roam, and you will be rewarded with their smiles
- whatever they see,touch,feel,smell, Will become another topic of interest !!
- share our parenting experiences, and places/topics of interest
- we would like to relate our children's experience through their pictures

- blogging is a family project - everybody is involved
- keep it spontaneous and Fun
- if the kids are happy, it will be our motivation, to keep on blogging :P
- with the kids around, Daddy got so many things to Gossip
- but we only have 24 hours a day

- learn from other parents' blogs
- where to play, eat, holiday, learn etc (
- inject new ideas and topics, example mimic TV ads
- gather feedback and brickbats from friends

In summary,
To blog about our lives and relive our memories, together as a Family.
Nothing is more Fulfilling for Daddy and Mummy at the moment.
Enjoy our children's childhood, as they will grow up all too soon.

Remember B.L.O.G, remember "Boys LOve to Gossip"

Monday, September 28, 2009

Checklist for Beach trip

Floating Kit, make a guess who is this cute water baby :)

Sandcastle Kit (shovel)
Courtesy from

Snorkel - our friend . Serious stuff.

Beach ball


Video : testing our nudity

Underwater camera
Ear plug for plane? Suspect the propeller plane coud be loud.

Final Verdict, all ready for GoLive on 09Oct.

Now just keep fingers cross,
- Pray for good weather, non-monsoon wind
- and plenty of white sand, waves and fishes.

Daddy : We will be going to Redang with Tan family, who got two kids, Isaac and Chloe.
Uncle Johnny is Daddy and Mummy's mutal friend.
It will be fun to have our friends to help us build a sand castle :)

**Edited 2009Nov : We went Redang on 2009 Oct

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Xin at four months - no more vegetarian

Mei Mei can now enjoy solid food..starting with cereal, then porridge.
She really enjoy sucking on the piece of tender chicken meat.

Mummy posing with kids

Video : our cosy bed Snuggle around Mummy.

Video : Xin like chicken meat

Car Wash - $Two muffin only

Daddy's car is dirty.
So we volunteered to wash his car.
See how hardworking we are. Giving Daddy's car a good rub.

Video : we are so going to Swenson
**lazy pig Yi is sleeping at home

For the boys, as long as they get another excuse to play with water, anything goes.
And Daddy does not mind, as he got enthusiastic helpers :p

Saturday, September 26, 2009

When 大哥 二哥 are in school, I..

While waiting for Kor Kor, Daddy brought me to roam around Caldecott.
Maybe we can spot some starlets, or macho actors?
Luckily, Daddy brought my favourites cars along, to entertain me.

Video : fun with cars

Where is Kor kor? Why so long class still never end?

Video : I love donut

Mummy say Daddy always pampered the cutest.
At this stage, it is Yi. (21 months old)
(but Daddy say Wei and Kang were his favourites before haha)
Nah, the kids will understand, Daddy is fair and treat everybody equally, 不会大小眼.
(at least Daddy hope the kids understand ke ke)

Video: Yi looking for brothers, and finally Daddy enticed him with cars

Daddy : when siblings are not together, they yearn for each other's accompany.
Whey they do get together, petty squabbles, and complains fill the room !!
Daddy and Mummy shake our head together

Well meaning videos from Petronas

Post originated from Mummy Ks_me in KiasuParents forum.
Url -->

Every ChineseNewYear, Petronas will have these heartwarming videos about Family values. I find the stories very meaningful and touching.

My personal favourite.

I miss my Ah Ma.

Friday, September 25, 2009

we are F1 fans :)

Look at the kids, they got very excited over F1's practice run.
Normally TV is off during meals, but Daddy make an exception today.
(actually Daddy want to see haha)

On the way to work today, we saw an emergency.
Wei quickly whipped out Daddy's camera and filmed the fire engine. Siren !! siren.

2008's Red Bull Mark Webber and his NightRace CGI. Still looks cool one year later.

If the boys (or girl) wants to be an F1 driver, we should get them karting first, like what Schumi and Hami did :)

On our way to school, definitely slower than 100Kmh.
Wei is now trained to use Daddy P&S camera.

Daddy : Come 2010, when Sands is ready, maybe hotel rate would be cheaper. We cannot bring the kids to circuit, as sound will be tormenting for the younger ones.
Maybe, we will just book a room? (Mummy can sponsor?)

Too bad Schumi cannot 重出江湖 :p

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Selecting a childcare centre

First, list down your criteria , and priority
- Conductive environment for child to learn?
- Clean environment? or children always fall sick? How does school implement isolation policies?
- Patient and passionate teachers?
- Within your budget?
- Your expectation?

For us, we just need our kids to learn :
- independence
- socializing
- sharing in a "group"

Secondly, shortlist school and make ground visits
- go for interviews with Principal (you can gauge how a school is managed, just by chatting with the principal)
- we believe in affinity 缘, teacher-child bonding is crucial to a happy child :)

Lastly, get reviews/brickbats on preferred childcare centres

Most important tip which we give to friends is to manage our own expectations.
It is very normal for us to worry about how our kids will cope in new environment.
Or we could be expecting the Sky, but only willing to pay $peanuts??

Let your little ones survive the new environment, and see them adapt.
We did not have much choices to start with, no helpers, and parents working.
So we have to chuck kiddos into schools from an early age.
Look how they have bloom.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Yi is growing Stronger

No3 is eating double portions for breakfast and lunch in school !!
Luckily, we are not told to pay $$double haha.

Anyway, the teachers are happy when their brood has a good appetitie.
It must mean school life is good :)
At the rate Yi is eating, he will soon catch up with Kang (no 2.)
Kang is now 14Kg, but Yi is already 12Kg.

Kang better buck up, before people mistake him as No. 3 (Daddy shake head)
Video : big box and strong arms

ps.. Kang got Mummy's (1.6m) gene, and Yi got Daddy's (1.8m) (hint.. hint..)

表妹 Kara is sick

Our cousin is sick, suspected H1N1, and now in KK hospital.
Poor Kara keep on crying, and her little body must be aching :(

Wei decide to draw Kara a get well card.
Kara, you must be strong and get well soon.

Miss you.

Project Happy Feet

Daddy was surfing when he came across another Mummy's blogsite.

What is Project Happy Feet (something to do with penguins ?? )
Anyway, Mummy Rachel is trying to sell/collect some toys for the less-priviledged.

So our Daddy also tries to kpo and help promote a worthy cause :)
If you would like to know more about how you can contribute, please go to above url..

Daddy: Through participation, we can help others, and at the same time, teach our kids value of empathy. We believe there is no better way to celebrate Children's day, then to bring a smile to another kid :)

==== ==== ====
ps..Table which we bought for $20 :)
We like the colour red, and we are also helping another friend...
Thank you Mummy Jayne.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Swim Day

Seems like everybody in Sengkang decided to take a dip today.
And everyone is equipped with water pump-gun.

Talk about full-scale warfare.
The kids start attacking each other 's turf.

Video : Kang running from the water

Daddy better stay out of the kiddo's war. ##peace ##
Video : Kang use gun to shoot innocents
Daddy will invest in a snorkel set for us once we are water-confident.
Hope we can get our regular training session to kickstart in Oct.

Video : Wei cycling in the water

Daddy : We sill cannot bring Yi to swim, as it would be too challenging to look after three active kids. So Yi has to wait until Mummy bogs along :)

Between, why does a public carpark still need coupons on a Public holiday?
We saw at least 5 cars summoned.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Istana - Hari Raya Open House

Every Public holiday, Istana is open to the public.
Today is Hari Raya, and we storm Istana, hoping to meet our esteem President, Mr Nathan.
We arrive at about 0915, and we were already perspiring within 15 mins.
Video : Push harder up the slope !!
Now you see them, now you don't.
Boys were running all over the Istana lawns.
We saw Mini birdpark, and friendly police uncle/aunties...
Destination playground, we spend almost 30 mins here.
Yi is a small but daring Commando, look at him scale the slides !!

Video : Crocodile rock, just nice for 3 boys

Video : swinging

Yi was forced to leave reluctantly. or risk abandonment :p
In deep thoughts ??
Fountain !! cool refreshing water.
Video : Fountain

Modelling and posing in front of Istana. Daddy wonder why so many funny faces?

More funny faces. Kids want to know why No-Entry.
Daddy bluff President having breakfast, do not Disturb !!
Recharge - by drinking h20, and admiring the flowers.
Recharge with d0nuts. Yi only came running when he saw something delicious (glutton)

Our picnic corner is secluded, and offer nice view of Istana facade, and lawn, fountain.

Postcard : Istana playground
Video : round and round the garden

Yi is tired after all the running :)
Luckily, we got a stroller on standby.
However, Daddy say he got two coollies to help push the Mcclaren ??
Sometimes, we do not understand Daddy X@#$@

Video : more water

Ice cream break. Well deserve rest under shady tree.
Yi had fun feeding Daddy.

Video : Wei and Kang disturb Yi, until he retaliated !!

Toilet break. St John Jie Jie thinks Yi is cUte.

We found this low-lying branch, and Daddy thought we should have a snap.

The cheeky boys had other ideas, and started shaking the branch up and down.
Oops, there is another family having picnic at the end of branch. Mischievous !!
President's Aide-de-Camp
(Kang ask why this solider uncle can move? unlike those standing on guard)
Jamming session with Green Ridge Primary

Video : Xylophone prodigy?

Yi got splahed from left-over water from top of Tent. All Wet !!
Kang and Wei need an afternoon nap??

On our way out, we pose with the Guard again (first picture).
And we wonder why he never smile :)
Bye Bye Istana. We had fun.

On the way home, we pass by F1-Singtel promotion at Plaza Singapura.
Small boys can pose and hug with sExy Jie Jie, Daddy so jealous :p

Daddy : A pity Mr Nathan could only come in the afternoon, we would like to shake his hands.
Next time, we should organize a picnic, listen to the orchestra.. under the beautiful clear blue sky.

Reference -->

ps.. did you notice all boys were wearing same Dragon motifs?
