Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hort park is HOT!! Gardentech 2009

We popped by Hort park this warm afternoon.
Gardentech showcases the latest "green" technology, lifestyles, plants, and education snippets for everybody.

Exhibits area
Be careful of the potted plants..Yi was zooming here and there..phew.
Kang and Yi : Amazing, how did they plant this thingy?
Bees were busy harvesting the roses, and sunflower.
And Yi was busy sweating.
We are shelter :)

No fingers allowed.
Short break..catch our breath.
And Daddy snapping away.
Nai Nai beckons ask to seat on the bench..

Video : swing and Swing

Water parade!! everybody better wear your cap.
We are sheltered by this hugh tree which can easily cover a basketball court..sorry Daddy forget to note the name.
We went hiding in the bamboos

What are they admiring?
Oh, Wei say he will built a sky-roof for Daddy next time, when he has a bungalow :)

Directions : other Southern Ridges directions
This Rabbit came from nowhere, and the kids were rallying around him to hello, and hi-5.
hug hug. Yi must be curious why this bunny so hugh, and walks on two legs?

Playground, which we gave up. Too hot !!
Are we done yet? Daddy is slightly tired. But the kids are like Energizer Battery Rabbit..
always hoping around, with inexhaustible energy.
Video : hide and seek

Dinosaur photos

Yi is relaxed, as he was always looking for Nai Nai or Daddy to hug. Lazy Pig.
Another exhibit, let's pose.
Interesting deco
and Merlion in background

No playground again :(

We arrived at the small Butterfly enclosure. This misty green house was refreshing, and we enjoyed mingling with the butterflies. Wei is very curious about all the different butterfly varieties.

Video : Kang, be gentle to butterflies !!
Look ah this cool buggy
and tram.

Captivating..water play !!

We have reach the funfair area, and all the rides and drinks here are Free !!
Maybe the weather was hot, so there few children in the Q.
Kang always choose the first locomotive. Yi was scared to attempt one ride, boo boo.
The boys get to go extra rounds.

Video : Cool ride, but brutal sun :p
Carousel round and round..

Some ice lollipop for us?

We also play the boats. This was fun, and the splashing helps to cool us down.
As Yi could not ride the boat (in a big swimming pool), he runs around the pool and shouts at his brothers :p
Video : manual (not motor) boat

Time to go home..
Tired but happy.
In the evening, we realised what the sun had done to our skin. Yi's hands were toasted red like lobster :) Mummy applying moisturizer for us.
Luckily Mummy and Xin stayed home.

we spent 2.5 hours at Hort park.
The best surprise was the mini-funfare at the end.
Weather was hot and Daddy was initially hesistant to let them play, but gave in, after the boys sound so enthuaistic ..
.. their happy expressions make everything worthwhile

References --> Hort park is part of Southern Ridges.
We intend to explore the other scenice peaks soon, and Daddy better built up his stamina first :)
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