Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wen Yi at 19 months old

Wen Yi has mature into our third brother..and is shouldering more responsibility at home.

Achievements :
- sweep floor
- use tissue mop floor
- pass pacifier to Wen Xin when she cries (although he might forget to wash his hands sometimes)
- pick up rubbish and throw into bin
- imitation, eg trying to urinate in the loo, like his elder brothers, but he still got pampers hee hee.
- keeping his toys, haha his elder brothers still need reminding :(

We are awaiting for him to open his golden mouth.
Meanwhile, Yi can understand English/Mandarin instructions effectively.

He can identify his body when we say Head, Eye, Ear, Mouth, Hand, Mouth etc..impressive for baby who still refuse to speak.

Yi favourite quote is "No No".. even when he means "yes" at times.
- are you hungry, he nods his head
- you want to play - nod nod
- you want garang guni man to come? No No
Daddy and Mummy just realised Yi is now learning the rights and wrongs, and he is adapting to rules-based rationale. eg when Elder brother is disciplined, Yi will keep low profile, and hide one corner, in case he become collateral damage !!

is exhibiting similar characteristics to Wei. They both like round things, and cars are their lives. Yi will also exhibits jealousy when Mummy or Daddy is carrying Xin mei mei. He will look for the other parent to hug hug, and snug.

Meanwhile, Yi continues to be a darling in school. No problems reported in school, Yi is sleeping well and eating a LOT. And our teachers are paying a lot of attention to him :)
Infact, his old infant teachers remark that he has put on weight.

More pictures on Yi --> http://sengkangbabies.blogspot.com/2009/03/baby-yi.html


  1. Great one...how much u paid for the room?

  2. hi bro, $290 ++ inclusive 2 b'fast.
    Oriental, Ritz and Conrad will be easily $150 more. Choose room which can view from Suntec to CBD.

  3. $290 for 2 days...good deal leh..
    last year i stayed at Sentosa, guess is around 200 per day..but enjoyed very much with my kids there.

  4. $290 one night :)
    if $145/nite, I book 3 nite for F1 liao haha.

  5. hahhaa..F1 and national day will be super differnt price liao..:)
