Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sentosa - Flower

We went annual Sentosa flower .

Wei: come bros, take a photo, but don't forget to pinch the bud

1 little, 2 little, 3 little indians.. hoo hoo hoo

family portrait 1

train ride

family portrait 2

tired but happy...

ice cream galore ...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Kang got Hernia

Kang was diagnosed with hernia.
We had to bring him in to KK A&E, whereby a doctor accesses his condition.

Whenever he jumps, there as a risk that hernia would occur, which will cause him a great deal of pain. So one minute he will be chirpy, and the other, Kang might be groaning in pain.
Symptom - is area near testicle might be swollen. A doctor would need to slight nudged the protruding tissues back inside.

Long term solution would need an incision.
To open, and sew the "gap", so that tissues will not fall through the "membrane"again.

Coincidentally, Wei was also treated with hernia before.
Both our boys got hernia only after 1 year, which is rare.
Genes issue?