Thursday, July 17, 2008

Kang 3 year old b'day celebration

Kang is 3 years old. Speical VIP includes our mei mei (nieces Kara and Joley)

Let us sing song for Kang. Celebration in our home.

Video - happy b'day to Kang

Cake cutting--this is Swenson ice cream cake..


Kang unwrapping his toys.. is he happy? Why look gloomy...

We also celebrated his b'day in school, with his friends.
Why is Wei also in Kang's class? He got sibling's advantage, so can have one slice of cake :)

Class N1 : can we sing b'day song now? We are hungry.

Mummy bought a ding-dang (doRaeMon) cake. where is Da-Xiong?

Kang standing up to blow the candles, after two rounds of b'day songs.

Teacher Siti helping to cut, and share the cake.

Boys must really enjoy their cakes

Wow, b'day boy got free hug somemore.

We took Kang out earlier for a short shopping trip at nearby hotel. He gets to have a small ride on the red car. (Wei could not join us as he still has another lesson)

When children celebrate their b'days in school, it is always fun to watch how the kids respond spontaneously to the songs, goodies-bag, cakes and etc etc. You never know what to expect from the kiddos.

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